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Something for itchy pregnant skin?!


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I have been itching like crazy. I have soywhip and goatmilk lotion, but they don't seem to offer much relief. Does anyone have a suggestion? Something store bought or something I can make? Even the tops of my feet itch.....



15 weeks and counting.....!:D

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I have been making belly balm for myself for the same reason.. I am pretty sure if you search here you can get a base recipe to start from. I use mine anywhere I need relief it really seems to help.

Plus as a bonus even my obgyn says I must have amazing skin because I have no strech marks from this or my last pregnancy lol. I tell her its that or my amazing home made belly balm lol.

Good luck and congrats!

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I woud check with the Dr. If he started you on prenatal vitamins maybe they are causing a reaction of some kind or some other reason for if. Make sure you check with him before using any thing homemade other then straight butters and oils. Maybe a paste of oatmeal ground up to a powder with some goat's milk will bring some relief.

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Make sure you check with him before using any thing homemade other then straight butters and oils.

Yes I for got to mention that.. VERY important! Nothing super fancy or smelly.. just pretty much a straight mix of good butters and oils. even then it doesnt hurt to double check.

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I have just been whipping up shea butter, mango butter (total 60%) with emu oil, jojoba oil, meadowfoam oil and a little vitamin e (total 40% oils) for my daughter. She LOVES this stuff uses it from neck to toes lmao She said she gets instant relief from the itching when she puts it on.

She had some serious stretch marks from her waist to her knees from her first pregnancy. They were the purple painful marks. I wasn't making BB products 4 years go but she sure is thankful I am making them now lol

I am constantly researching oils trying to find the best oils to keep her skin moist. Stretch marks are going to happen depending on your skin type no matter what you do. BUT keeping the skin moist helps the itching and keeps the skin lubricated so it may help minimize the strech marks. I do think that after the baby is born, I am going to have her rub emu oil directly on the stretch marks to help "heal" them or minimize them faster. Emu oil is just a miracle oil for scarring among a million other skin conditions.

She definitely hates being my guinea pig at times because I even have her try rubbing some of my carrier oils directly on her belly lol

When are you due soynut? My daughter is due on July 4th :)

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I made one for my BF's sister to prevent stretch marks and help with itching. She wanted more of an oil than a butter for some reason. This is what was in it:

Pregnant Tummy Oil

Ingredients: meadowfoam seed & camellia seed oils, natural cocoa butter, emu & avocado oils, unrefined shea butter, organic calendula infused sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, vitamin E acetate, aloe extract (in canola oil); virgin coconut, jojoba & seabuckthorn berry oils; tangerine essential oil, dimethicone.

I did a bunch of research before hand to make sure each one was safe for pregnancy. Tangerine EO was one of the only EO's I found information on that always said it was safe. I found conflicting information on lavender, etc.

I had wanted to do a more balm style product with butters and beeswax to make it more long lasting but she wanted the oil and even requested a second bottle of it with no changes. No stretch marks as of yet and shes only got a little more than a month left.

For the itching you could try making a diaper rash type balm with zinc oxide maybe? Allantoin's very skin soothing but you would have to check if it was safe for pregnancy first- that in a goat milk body butter w/ oat proteins sounds soothing. And of course congrats!!

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You could also try peppermint hydrosol, maybe? It's rejuvenating and cooling/itch-reducing but will not irritate like the essential oil would. Added with some oatmeal extract, it might help in conjunction with the balm-like things :)

I've never actually tried peppermint hydrosol, but it's said to be good for itching. I find witch hazel and neroli hydrosol useful in a pinch anyhow, so peppermint should be even better!

I constantly get hives because my skin is sensitive, but I found that soaper's workshop's shea butter lotion base to which I add some oatmeal extract helped tons too, so I can vouch for the oatmeal...

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A lotion or butter isn't going to prevent stretch marks - if you don't want them then choose a mom who didn't get them (I don't have any even after 2 kids; genetics rocks). But staying moisturized can help with the itching.

There is a condition (I forget the name) where pregnant moms get itching that just cannot be stopped - that mus SUCK!

Zinc oxide is drying isn't it? I'm not sure I'd want it on my belly. But could be wrong.

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There is a condition (I forget the name) where pregnant moms get itching that just cannot be stopped - that mus SUCK!

That would be PUPPPS- and it is a nightmare! Everything from benadryl to steroid cream did not bring relief. I would dig my skin in my sleep. Only cold compresses occasionally relieved the burning sensation. It continued for a few months after I had my daughter. By then, I tried balmex out of desperation and it gave some relief.

I wish I knew about shea butter back then! Hope you find something that works for you :)

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Balmex - who'd a thunk? I used to work for the company that made it back in the day (Block Drug) and as my job we tested it for a lot of things - but never PUPPPS (tho we never would have experimented on pg women anyway). I did discover it clears up zits in no time tho! Course the company was since bought by SmithKlein Beecham and the whole formula could have changed since then.

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June 24th--but my daughter was 2 weeks early--so lets hope!

It's awful in public when you want to scratch your backside non-stop! LOL

Thanks so much for all of the suggestions---i might try to whip me up something this weekend after my daughter's 4th birthday party! The fun never stops!!!!!

Thanks again!

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I used Cocoa Butter creams but then towards the end of my 1st pregancy I got a horrible red itchy rash on my wrists, ankles and on my back right above my butt. During the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy the rash slowly crawled up the inside of my arms. It was horrible and I thought I would go mad! I went to my OBGYN in hysterics and he had no idea what it was so he sent me to a dermatologist who also had no idea what is was. They gave me benadryl and a cortisone cream which helped but didn't make it go away. When I was in the hospital after the birth of my son the nurse that took care of me said there was a woman in another room who had the same rash as me. The rash slowly disappeared after my son was born but I think it took about a month, though the itch wasn't as bad. Thankfully I didn't have this with my second child!!

I feel your pain!:sad2:

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