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Need some fundraiser Pros out there.

Ok---------I have a Springtime one coming up----it is for a Volleyball Team.

There are 8 teams and 10 girls on each team.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I am doing this myself and maybe hubby help.

Thanks:bliss: :bliss: :bliss:

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I'm not a pro but I could offer one good piece of advice.

Once you have the scents set in stone, start pouring asap. I would pour double the amount of what you think they might sell. Even if they don't sell that many of that one scent your still going to be ahead of the game if you need to pour more.

Wow 80 girls, that's awesome.

Mindy :)

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That's how many I had for both of my fundraisers. I think the norm is 6 to 8 scents. If you limit the amount each girl can sell, then you'll be losing out on potential sales. But then again, I would discuss with whomever is in charge of the fundraiser to see what their goal is for this fundraiser.

Think of it this way, if you make to many candles and they all don't sale. You have all summer to sale them. It's way better to have stock on hand, just in case you do have to make more when your order comes in. It's less aggervation.

Mindy :)

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Dont worry about how much they may sell...just let them sell! I do HUGE Fundraisers every year...over 5,000 candles...you will get thru it. Make sure that when you give them a delivery date that you give yourself enough time to pour. I give my groups a deadline to have the totals and half of the money turned into me....then I make sure I have at least 2 full weekends to pour before the delivery date as I have a full time job. I never start pouring until I get the totals and the money...NEVER.

Good Luck!

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No I would never set a demand for each girl. To me not for us to do. You MIGHT suggest to the coach that she ask for each girl to TRY and sell maybe 10 or more. JMO

I remember when my sons came home from school and said they must sell the box of candy bars. They did because with 3 sons mom and dad brought all to keep them from going door to door and of course we all love candy.


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Thanks awesome answers.

So now I know no limits, just go with it, 8 scents and have money up front before beginning.

Next question----------what is the percentage you give the group? 40%?

How much profit do you want to make personally off of each jar? 4.50

Thanks much

Love this board for anwers---your great!:D

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I say it depends on the size candle on your profit and the groups. I would give 50%. Most double the retail cost of the candle for both the group and candlemaker to make a nice profit. See what jar they want and about what they want to make per candle. In my area it would be hard to double but it is done. Just not sure how many are sold because lucky to get $4 and $5 for a 8 ounce JJ so upping the price double no one might make a profit. JMO for my area.

If you do wholesale double the wholesale cost for your candles.Another thought.


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I try to let my group make as much profit as possible and still have a profit for me. I do hex jars and tart sets. My hex jars go to them for 5.00 each(wholesale + a little) and they sell them for 7-10.00 depending on the group.

I will get a count about half way through so I know what to expect....sort of. The most popular scents I will pour a few cases ahead (I'll sell them anyway) so it is less to do in the end.

Good Luck and have fun.

Oh and also dont forget to book the Fall fundraiser!!:cheesy2:


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Sounds good!

I will be doing 16 oz jars. normally I sell them for 12.99.

I was thinking for the group. 16.00 each.



Double my cost sounds great I don't know if I could get 18.00 for 16 oz.


You may be able too in a sense. Remember, if you order supplies in bulk then you get a better price. I always buy extra supplies during FR time and they usually do me most of the yr.

I do a 16oz FR candle in a 16oz Mason jar...I hate the looks of the jars but they are dirt cheap and I can get them local. I sell them for $10 and the grop gets $4 for each one they sell. Yes, I know my price is low...but I only have $2 into ea candle and I would rather have the great #'s and repeat biz then to price myself out of the market.

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Thanks much love the answers!! You are all great!!

So right now I have my forms done to give to the coach but still condemplating the prices.

Just hope I can handle it all with 8 Teams and 10 girls each. I have some poured from the holiday, once scent I am sticking with.

I will definately get the money and orders up front before I begin.

Will go over it one more time before I hand it to her.



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I don't know if you have given the coach the information yet, but I had 8 scents, I did 8 oz jelly jars, because for some reason here the smaller jars sell better! I also gave them 50%, they sold there JJ for $6.00, I sold it to them for $3.00, so they made $3.00 as well. I sold them cheap, only because I worked there at one time, and it was my first fundraiser, and i also have received several phone calls for re-orders. When I tell them what I see them for, the are still happy to purchase. They maybe smaller, and cheaper, but they smell better than any candle I have smelled in any store in a long time!!!!

Good Luck to you and your fundraiser!!

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Thank you and for all the good information I received this is what I am doing:

50%----16 oz canning jars-----I am selling them for 16.00 each and they get 8.00. The coach thought that was great! Normally I sell my jars for 12.99 each. Out in my area, I think it will be ok.

I started the paperwork with the Coach and am making copies too for all the girls. I also am doing one now for a baseball team. Man I will be busy and this is the first time for me, I hope it goes well. I got my forms from another site and all I had to do is change it up a bit.

I am giving them 2 weeks to compile the orders, then a 3 week turn around depending on the size of the order for production.

They are going to cut me a check after they get all the orders for the whole amount.

So thank you, thank you, thank you for all your great info.!!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you giving the girls who are selling a sample of the scent, or just going by scent names? Just curious... I am a school teacher and am hoping to do a fundraiser for a school this coming year (perhaps not my own.. could be a conflict of interest) but I was thinking of giving each student a half tart or something to let the buyers smell them first (however, multiplied by 500 students this could prove to be costly!!)

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I don't give them samples. On the order form at the bottom I write a description of each scent so they will have an idea of how it will smell. Giving samples would be expensive and the children probably wouldn't keep up with them anyway:smiley2:

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I think it depends on the scent itself.

If you name your rose "Roses" or sweet pea "Sweet Pea", well then probably not.

If you name them (or blend) something like Sunshine Flowers or Softly Sweet or something like that, it might work with just a description, but with blends, maybe a few sniffies of the popular scents, like 2 or 3 may be beneficial too.

I think it really comes down to depending on your scents and the names you use.

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