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CP receipe needed


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Been awhile since on here. Finally going to try to make my own soap after doing melt and pour for past year. I think i will try the CP first but wanting a good receipe that includes butters and oils for softness. I have reviewed making the soap in a crock pot and to be sure to add the lye to the water/ I have seen some receipes online but would really like to get a good receipe so that is why I am asking you pros. I am shaking in my chair just thinking about making my first lye soap in the morning, lol.

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A soap with lard (if you are not opposed to it) makes a great soap in my opinion! I usually do around 30-40% lard. [Have you played around with Soapcalc yet? If not, OMG, you don't know what you are missing! It is so much fun to formulate your own recipes. I can spend hours playing there!] If you have dry skin, don't go too high with your coconut oil. Stay around 15%. Once you have researched the oils and their properties, you can pretty much fill in the blanks percentage-wise on soapcalc.com and formulate a recipe. Good luck, be safe, and most of all....have fun with it too! :wink2: I just love making soap and can't wait until I am whipping up the next batch. LOL

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I need to find the soap calculator. I know I want shea, coco and jojoba oil or rice oil. This soap calc will give me specific amounts to put in a receipe? I hate the percentages, they drive me crazy, lol . I need ounces and lbs., lol

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Start with the miller soap site. There are many recipes for veggie, animal fat, castille, etc.

A lot of lye calculators will convert your recipes from percentages to amounts for you, either by you plugging in the percentages then the total amount of soap you want to make, or with a 're-size' feature.

Make sure that wherever you DO find a recipe you want to try, whether it be online, in a book, from a friend or whatever, that you run it thru a reliable lye calculator.

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I need to find the soap calculator. I know I want shea, coco and jojoba oil or rice oil. This soap calc will give me specific amounts to put in a receipe? I hate the percentages, they drive me crazy, lol . I need ounces and lbs., lol

Yes, soapcalc is wonderful! Do a generic search on yahoo or MSN for "soapcalc" and it should bring it up straightaway in the list. Go to the home page. Next, there is a FAQ section as well as a "Soap Qualities" section with links at the top of the soapcalc home page. Be sure to check both of these out as they will answer your questions and educate you a bit on ballpark numbers you are going for and what the numbers mean. Once you start playing with the actual calculator (Soapcalc 9 is a good place to start for newbies) is when the fun begins! If you start playing with percentages and then hit the "calculate recipe" button it will give you the exact amount of oils/water/lye you need in either grams ounces or pounds. (whatever you prefer) This is a free lye calculator and IMO still one of the best! I have one I have paid for and I still keep going back to Soapcalc! :o Good luck, and HTH you some!

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This is a good recipe BUT Be SURE TO SUB OUT DISTILLED WATER FOR THE GOATS MILK AND DON'T ADD HONEY! You will still need to run it through the soap calulator for the numbers. Be sure to read the entire thread as many people have tried this one and their expiriances are in the thread!


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Thanks so much for the tips. I have a soap mold (4 lb.) wooden. I was wanting to purchase the no liners with cutting tray. Does anyone have any advice on where to purchase these and which sizes would be best. Also, I saw somewhere once a way to fold your paper to line your wooden tray but can't seem to find it now. Sorry for all the questions. Today is the first day to make lye soap and I am going to try making chocolate soaps in the crock pot method :tiptoe: . I am going to take some of the oil and mix my cocoa for coloring and hopefully, with the crock pot method, I can drizzle my coloring on the bottom of the wood mold, pour soap and then take a knife to make design. I have valentine gift baskets to make and thought this would be nice with chocolate mint bath salts. I was going to use grapefruit vanilla for the soap fragrance but decided on the chocolate mint Fo for valentine gifts. Any suggestions appreciated.:)

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