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Ecosoya CB 135 and Ecosoya Advanced Users!!!

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I use CB advanced... I have found conflicting info.... the NGI site says to add the FO at your pouring temp... I have also found other places say to add it at a higher temp to assure good adhesion. I melt to 175 and color and FO then cool to 125 to pour. With the colder weather I have also warmed my jars in the oven and got a much nicer look. No wet spots.

I am a newbie so I don't have much experience but have read tons on the stuff... the standard seems to be add FO at a warmer temp.

Also I use 1oz / lb of FO. That % has a great cold throw for me, right now I am still playing with wicks to get a great hot throw.


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Follow whatever instructions you prefer, or try it both ways. Many questions have more than one possible answer. People add FO at both higher and lower temps. Those people might tell you to do it their way for one reason or another, but that doesn't mean they're right. If you want the best results you should be prepared to invest time and materials in testing things for yourself to see what works for you.

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