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Question about wicks and smoke/soot :(

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Hi All,

I haven't posted as much recently as I have been having fun pouring and testing my container candles.

Although I finally found a wick that burns like I want.....I keep getting some smoke/soot no matter what I do.

I have read that some FO's smoke more than others, some wicks do, maybe it is a combination my wax and all of the above... but I don't know what to do or try next if there is a way to totally avoid it.

wax: 4627

container: 8oz jj

I have had the best burn with ECO2 but have also tried HTP (so-so) and Zinc (bad)

Any insight/suggestions for this newbie would be appreciated!



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Like I posted, wax is 4627 :)

ECO6, 4, and 2. ECO2 has had the best flame/mp so far

HTP 52, and I don't have my paperwork for the zinc...it was whatever CS recommended.

FO was always 6%. and I used several different types, and have burned several candles of each with different wicks to compare.

I'm still very much a beginner and learning as I go :)

All candles smoked/sooted from the get go. Some worse than others, but I didn't know what I could try to keep testing to make it less, or even eliminate it completely.

Again, I know I haven't tested a zillion wicks yet I tested what was recommended, and the ECO 2 I am happy with except the smoke/soot is still there. Some are a bit better/worse which I am wondering might just be the FO.

So I thought I might ask those with more experience where I should go from here.

Thanks for the reply


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I had a container that smoked and sooted and such, while another didn't...I started poking around the one having problems and found it was in line with a draft in the house. I moved it and it stopped making a mess. Have you checked around the location for drafts and such?

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Dana, I am not familiar with the kind of wax you are using, but two suggestions come to mind.

1. I think I would get some sample packs of other types of wicks and try them.

2. I am not sure which 8 oz. jar you are using, but if it is the standard jelly jar style, those can be buggers to wick because they are significantly taller than they are wide. I have found that the wide-mouth 8 oz canning jars are much easier to wick than the tall, narrower jelly jars. As the candle burns down, the heat and oxygen content inside the container changes and the wick may begin giving off soot. If your candle starts out burning properly, then begins giving off soot as it burns down further into the jar, the shape of the jar may be contributing to your difficulty. In that case, you might try a straight-sided container that is about the same diameter as its height and see if the problem disappears. HTH :)

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Thanks Stella for the input :)

It seems to be a problem from the get-go. :angry2:

I figured I would need more wicks to try even though I've tried the 3 most recommended for my wax.

I just wasn't sure if it was the wax, container, wick, FO or a combination of


I hate the 8oz JJ anyhow but they were recommended for me as a beginner. I would have no problem switching containers once I used all these!

Thanks for the suggestions, I have searched also and can't seem to find an obvious solution to my problem.


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Can you take a picture of a before/after burn? I'm not familiar with that wax either, but we can find a solution somewhere. How long is your wick when you light the candle? I haven't used ECO or HTP wicks I've used zinc, CD and cotton.

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I use the 4627 container wax from Peaks and the 9oz hex jars that Peaks now

carries :yay:.. Jars are Approximately 3" wide by 3-3/4" tall.

and a c-55 wick.. I have very little if no smoking and very little soot

build up after the wax is half way down the jar or lower..

I hope this helps with some of your problems..

never have tested the jelly jars sorry..

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