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I'm so excited


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My friend called me up yesterday crying her eyes out because she forgot to get her kids teachers a present (I'm not excited about that, lol). So she wanted me to make them Sugar Cookie Candles. She asked me to drop them off at the store where she works.

So I just delivered them to her, and she started showing them off to the owner of the store. I went about my business buying what I needed there and the owner asked if I wanted to put my candles in their store. I told him heck ya. He told me after the 1st of the yr. He wants me to stock his shelf that's by the lottery machine full of my candles and melts. Then asked if I knew anybody that needs a part time job. I told him I do.

So after the 1st of the yr. I'll have a new wholesale customer and a new part time job. I hope it works out well, I've never worked at a little grocery store before.

Mindy :)

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