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People Taking Pictures...


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Of my products at the craftshows. I caught a lady taking pictures of my candle products at a local show and I jumped right in front of her and told her I don't know who you are so you aren't allowed to take any pictures of my display. She still took the picture and said I am taking pics. for blah, blah, blah. I told her I would prefer if you asked permission first. She walked away. Then just yesterday I grabbed the tribune she said she worked at and browsed thru it. Guess what she had taken pictures of my booth from an earlier craft show I did the beginning of Nov. I am fuming because I had no idea she had done this. She is the publisher of the tribune. Whom would I make a complaint to? Her? I wouldn't mind it but I would like someone to ask permission first. Am I being paranoid or am I justified as to what is being put out there for the world to see without my knowledge.... I would love to have an article of my business in the newspaper for the publicity, if asked.:angry2:

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If you feel strongly about the photos then put a little sign on your display saying ask for permission to photo please. If you ask me, it will make people want to take them more though.

You wouldn't even know it these days if someone wanted to take pictures of your products bad enough, you wouldn't even know it. Cameras in phones, and they even have those spy type. If someone wants a picture of your stuff bad enough, you won't know it. Whomever ran the show there should have told everyone a paper would be there taking photos, I'd think? I could be wrong though. I really know nothing about this stuff.

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Making a complaint to the newspaper won't do you a bit of good. They don't have to ask your permission in a public area unless it's forbidden by the show host.

The only place I've never been able to take photos working for a newspaper was of the voting polls but even then I was allowed to take shots of people going into and coming out of the booths.

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Am I missing something? I can see getting upset if you think it's someone trying to copy your stuff...but a legit newspaper publishing a pic of your booth? IMO that's free publicity and if it were me I'd be happy about it. I'd frickin' clip it, frame it, and hang it in my workshop!

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It's was our show organizer who decided if photographs were permitted. Of course this was at an indoor show with limited entry doors.

At one time there was a sign saying: "No Unauthorized Photography Permitted. For permission see Management at Booth #____". They screened the credentials and accompanied the photographer explaining to the crafter who the person was and asked the crafter's permission.

The fair confirmation letter automatically granted permission for all the crafters to take pics of only their own booths before and/or after the fair operating hours. They also requested to be informed if someone was taking pics without being accompanied by a staff member. Unfortunately the current managers have decided not to use the signs any more :angry2: and people are snapping ... not for the paper - but to get "inspiration" (read copy.)

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Oh the fine line ... you're in public view and susceptible to having pictures shot. You may not like it, but you weren't in an ambulance or they weren't shooting over a fence or violating any privacies.

Actually you will get somewhere with a newspaper if you talk to the publisher about your concerns and how it would be nice to be asked. She just might understand, but depends on your approach.

I wouldn't be upset that your product was in the paper, but in the future ... suggestions:

1) It's fine to block the shot and ask what they are shooting or taking pictures of. We had a man who was snapping pictures of his wife buying product but I mistook it for something else. Awkward situation, but we worked out of that.

2) Most press people generally have press credentials, so it isn't out of line to ask to see them. Not all carry that credential with them, but maybe knowing who works at the paper would help to identify the people if they come around again.

3) You could post about picture taking in your booth and refer them to that, but it isn't enough to give you protection in public.

Adding, what Casey would do is what we'd do lol. Frame and hang in our booth and keep for a scrapbook as well. When we see someone aiming a camera at our booth, we do approach the person. There is another instance where the people in charge of the show take pictures of all the booths and we do use those pictures for our juried shows.

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Am I missing something? I can see getting upset if you think it's someone trying to copy your stuff...but a legit newspaper publishing a pic of your booth? IMO that's free publicity and if it were me I'd be happy about it. I'd frickin' clip it, frame it, and hang it in my workshop!

I totally disagree the the statement I bolded!!!!!!!!

If someone took a picture of anything I made I'd.....

...blow it up to poster size, frame it and hang it over the fireplace!

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I really couldn't find much to be upset about over somebody taking pics of my stuff, but I only do container candles, tarts, and bath & body stuff. I don't have any big top secret hand made items (no sarcasm intended).

Besides, about the only info they could gain from pics if they were looking to copy me is my container styles. They certainly can't figure out what type of wax I use or what suppliers I use.

So I say let them snap away and in the event it ends up in a news article, I'd do what others have said, clip it, frame it, and hang it for the world to see.:cheesy2:

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Was there an article or advertisement that went along with the pic?

Personally, I would not approach the paper. No matter how nicely you try to say it, there is a very good chance that you will be labeled 'the mean candle lady with a chip on her shoulder' lol. Whether or not it was professional of them to just start snapping, where exactly where you wronged? KWIM? I totally understand the frustration of not knowing who the heck people are when they start snapping pics, but taking up your stance with the paper won't really do much to put you at ease when it continues to happen for other reasons. Gotta pick your battles, yanno?

It 'MAY' help to post a playfully worded sign saying something like...'We'd love to smile for you. Please ask booth attendee before taking pics. All business content is property of ________. Thank you and have a snappy day!' That way at least you don't come off as 'hard' and yet it's still 'posted' that they SHOULD have asked.

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