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Weird Online order


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I had this person place a huge order on my site ($800++) and wanted me to send it COD which I would never do so just to see if it was legit I wrote them back stating payment was due in full before the order ships.They then write back stating to cancel the order that they have already lost $1000 with another online business and they will not pay for products before they receive them. Goes on to say that they working with a very large corporate customer with this order so they need to find another supplier ASAP. I write back and require them to pay atleast half thinking if it is legitimate they would be willing to meet half way. Am I asking too much? Does a person actually think any business will ship $800 worth of products without the customer paying first?

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I would think with that large an order wouldn't they contact you for a discount of some sort for that quantity? I know I would. I know that people that wholesale deliver and send an invoice, but they know the customer is legit. I'd err on the side of caution. JMO

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Guest EMercier

You are correct. I would've sent my email back with the title as, Heck No!. I'm kidding, but people fail to realize what goes into this and when you are a small business, it's even more for you. I had an individual ask for stuff I asked for the money up front and then said they didn't want it. I'm tired of making candles and getting burnt. I've done special orders thinking they'll pay me I trust them besides I see them everyday. Yea right! You are right, if they don't want to pay, they get no product!

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No company does business that way. Everyone typically requires you to prepay up front with credit card--at least on the first order anyway. Other than that, some companies will offer credit if you supply banking information and credit references and wait at a minimum of two weeks before credit approval is given.

You might consider telling them to submit credit/banking info to you so that you can consider granting them a line of credit, subject to approval. Of course they won't do it because they are trying to scam you, but it makes it look like you are willing to work with them anyway.

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Did they give you a business name and address you can check out?

It sounds like a scam that I've seen written about a time or two so personally I would pass.

I did a reverse look up and they can't be found but one time I did that and they were legit but never would I sent any products without being paid first even for friends cause I have been burned by them a time or two in the past. I figure if they really want these items then they will agree to either pay in full or atleast half to start. What got me is that they said they would look elsewhere:laugh2:I don't know anybody who does business like that Oh well the money would have been nice:tongue2:

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Don't you think if they were "working with a very large corporate customer" that they would be a little more apt to try to work with someone on a wholesale account, rather than just jumping on a small online business and ordering 1000 dollars worth of stuff? And then.."Oh I got burned once, and I'll never pay for products first again??" LOL, sounds like someone working for a big corporation to me....NOT. The whole thing reeks of unprofessionalism to me. You were smart to be cautious.

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I agree with everyone else...absolutely not. Big Corp. my foot.....who's the Corp.? Can that be verified? If they are in business with a 'big corp', then they know how business is conducted...and not.

Screams scam. I see red flags popping up all over this one.

I just hate to see your hopes get bashed, but I would hate it worse to see you get taken advantage of. What a rotten thing to do. I am sure that you work too hard to take that kind of risk. This kind of thing just ticks me off!!

I am sorry that someone has tried to use and take advantage of you this way.

Follow your gut instinct...always.

Send him a string and a ball of wax...tell him to get cookin'!

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