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didnt sleep all night

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I didnt sleep at all last night my c3 and p1 will be here today!!!!! my mind has been in overdrive! I have been using IGI 4630 for containers. Kinda anxious about the soy I have read and reread almost every post on this site. I am thinking of mixing the 4630 with the c3 I have had such good luck with the 4630 I love the scent throw. has anyone done this? If so what did you think.

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I think I know about my 4630 been using it for over a year. Everyone has been asking me for soy candles thought I would try it out what I know about C3 is what I have read on here, what the rep has told me, what is on naturewax web site and what my supplier has told me. Just wanted to know if anyone has mixed these and had any luck that is all. I really would like to continue using my 4630. The P1 was an accidental order ooops. Not even messing with that yet. Sorry did not mean to ask such a stupid question. I am pretty new at all this. I was really excited now I:o feel like a kicked puppy.

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The way you learn is by reading, testing and asking questions. I have had plenty of questions to ask on this board and another one, so please don't feel that way. I use 4630 and love it but never had the nerve to add any thing elso to it. Let me know how it turns out. I've only been making candles for about a year now and still have questions.

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don't feel kicked. you got good advice. now go have fun!

That was good advice? I'm sorry, but that wasn't helpful, it was just plain rude and I see it time and time again. Are the condescending, holier than thou responses really necessary? I think a reasonable response on a "helpful" message board would be whether it works or it doesn't (or none at all). People get really excited about trying new things. Heck, she says she didn't even sleep because she was so excited and that's the response she got. Wow. :undecided

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Knock yourself out...have fun with it. Apparently if you have a high post count on here it is assumed you have "good" advice.

Let us know how your experiments works out! I miss those days of being so excited to try new stuff...right now, I'm just wishing the season would end and I can not look at another candle for a day or two.

Have fun!

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That was good advice? I'm sorry, but that wasn't helpful, it was just plain rude and I see it time and time again. Are the condescending, holier than thou responses really necessary? I think a reasonable response on a "helpful" message board would be whether it works or it doesn't (or none at all). People get really excited about trying new things. Heck, she says she didn't even sleep because she was so excited and that's the response she got. Wow. :undecided

Coco, since when is asking someone a question considered rude? Suggesting that someone FIRST discover the parameters of the new media they have chosen before planning to alter it, IS good advice, especially when folks are excited, and especially when I have used the products she is receiving. Now y'all can LOOK for "nasty" or snide intentions in every post, or you COULD assume that the poster has your best interests at heart. How y'all read so much malice in one simple, polite question is beyond me! :undecided

Cherry, I have no doubt you are familiar with your old wax; however, it is paraffin wax. Veggie waxes behave and perform very differently from paraffin. I think you would be well served to test the C3 and P1 as they are to discover what they will and won't do for you before you consider mixing any additive with them. Once you do, you will have some ideas about what aspects you think need to be improved and can plan a course of action based on your test results. The whole idea is to start from a solid foundation so you can troubleshoot more efficiently if you run into difficulties.

I'm happy you are excited - I STAY excited about candlemaking which is why I participate on this board.

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Cherry, never be afraid to try something new, especially when it comes to blending waxes. There's no need to be familiar with the waxes you are blending because once you blend, you have something totally new. The manner in which a wax performs alone is no indication whatsoever how it will perform when blended. It's a whole new ballgame and it's how some really great candles can be created.

Go for it, have fun, and stay excited. Just make sure you keep good notes on percentages so when you do "accidentally" create the perfect wax, you'll be able to replicate it.


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Cherry, Sliver is absolutely right on blending waxes......you have a whole new ball game and how the waxes perform individually may have little bearing in the new formula. That is precisely how I came up with the wax blend I use now.....a little of this, a lot of that and voila..........great burning candles that are easy to wick and throw scent like no tomorrow!! Just keep good notes on how you blend it and your test results. High post counts are just that and don't mean squat, in a lot of cases, to actual expertise. So get your notebook out, start blending, have fun and don't let anyone throw a damper on your excitement!! :cool2:

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