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Is there a fragrance co. that I can send a candle to to have them make a dupe?


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I have 2 scents that my parents really want and I need to have it duped. They found them in a small town and I cant figure it out.

They are:

ginger tea & honey

magnolia nectarine

I thought there were a few co. that you could send them a sample and theyd do there best to dupe it. Any help would be appreciated.

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You might try calling Taylored Concepts & asking them. If I recall correctly, Robert is a chemist & will copy scents by request. There are a few others, but past posts have indicated it's a pricey venture. I want to say Royal Aromatics is one. Good luck.


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I wonder if it's white tea and ginger fo like this one? http://www.thenaturalartisan.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=238

And Jo Mallone Orange Blossom Type like this one? http://www.thenaturalartisan.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=236

It's got to be some fo's they just renamed. Look up alternative descriptions of those scents, and it sounds like the same ones.

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Mystical Angel is right. Any fragrance manufacturer can duplicate those scents. Their highly skilled perfumists have noses like dogs and can smell something and sort out the individual scents involved. However, almost if not every manufacturer will require you to purchase a minimum of a 25 to 35 lb drum depending on the manufacturer. People ask me if I can get this scent or that scent and I tell them I can get any scent they want, but the price will run anywhere from about $8 a pound to $15 a pound. That is wholesale from a manufacturer and you have the min qty drum size to purchase. You may be fighting a losing battle if you don't have any way of contacting the place that made the candles :cry2:

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OK, no direct experience here, but I find it hard to believe that any of the candle supply companies or any chemist can smell a candle and come up with a dupe.

The proper way to have it done is have a spectrograph test done. ( I think that's how it's spelled) and that gives a much more accurate description of the composition of a fragrance. I believe that the fragrance manufacturers like IFT etc will do that for you fairly cheaply, but then you have to order a large quantity of FO to have them custom make it.

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Our perfumers (unfortunately we only sell to huge companies like Unilever and P&G) can work by sniffing a candle or other finished product but it's very difficult to create from scratch that way - so what they would probably do is try to recall another FO that is close and then modify it. Also some companies CAN do an analysis of a finished product like a candle and then "remove" the components of the base from the analysis, but it's hard to be accurate that way. Neither of these methods easily results in a dupe, though you can get some great improvements off of them!

It's much better if they can run the oil itself and start there.

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I talked to Robert at Taylored a few months back about duping an f/o. He said to just send them a small sample of the f/o, so I'm not sure about an actual candle.

It was pricey, can't recall exactly how much, but say if it was $1,000 then you pay that up front and it works kinda like a credit. You can apply that towards your orders on that particular fragrance up to what you paid to have it duped. I hope that makes sense.:undecided I'm not real good explaining stuff sometimes.

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