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Jojoba oil vs. Mineral oil


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For those who were following the thread about making rustics with unscented oils:

The green pillar is paraffin + 2 Tablespoons natural Jojoba oil

The red pillar is paraffin + 2 Tablespoons Parol (mineral) oil

You probably can't tell from the photos, but Jojoba oil made the wax less cloudy than mineral oil.


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Jojoba oil has a much smaller molecule....that would effect the finish...however, the price is so much higher. I only use it in cosmetics. Do you have to use oil for rustics? I didn't know that. Never even though about that.....now my brain has to find some room to file that one.....and it's getting very dusty up there......LOL Donita

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So you didn't use any stearic?

The green one doesn't have stearic, but the red one has 2 TBSP per pound of wax.

Jojoba oil has a much smaller molecule....that would effect the finish...however, the price is so much higher. I only use it in cosmetics. Do you have to use oil for rustics?

I tried Jojoba oil because mineral oil makes the wax look cloudy, and fragrance oil makes everybody in the house complain of headaches and sore throats.

I've found that if I don't use some kind of oil in a coldpour, I get a rough washboard texture and all the frost stays in the mold. With 1/2 ounce FO, I get a smooth, shiny, uniform frost. When I tried using 1 ounce FO pp, my rustics finally looked like the ones in the gallery. So I assumed oil was necessary. Then Dee proved that oil is not needed, as long as you go heavy on the stearic.

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I'm trying to not get so much frost (jumplines) on mine. These ones are WITH FO oil. My theory is, if your molds are too cool and/or if you wax is too cool, this is what you get. (And it will the pattern will be in the mold after the candle comes out - affecting the next set). I also think that you tend to get these overall jump lines if you DON'T do them layers and do a solid pour. Don't mine look strangly like your second one?


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now I'm thinking that if you don't add oil.....will the addition of mold release powder work and still let it be rustic?.....Donita

Good question--maybe it's all about mold release. (I won't be trying the mold release powder, though, after that discussion about chemical additives and not knowing what they release into the air when burned.)

the pattern will be in the mold after the candle comes out - affecting the next set. I also think that you tend to get these overall jump lines if you DON'T do them layers and do a solid pour. Don't mine look strangly like your second one?

I clean my molds with a heatgun, so there's definitely no trace of the previous jumplines. And I agree with your theory--we're not seeing this effect in other people's photos because everyone else does layers, not solid pours. That's why your red ones and mine look so much alike. What I can't figure out, though, is why mine don't look like these (from the technique section of this board) even when I follow the directions exactly and do a sloppy pour:


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