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I'm Ready To Give It A Try


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I've been reading this forum for almost a year now and have really wanted to try the CP method of soaping, but like many, I'm scared of lye. Anyway, about 4 months ago I did some melt and pour. I have to say, it was actually quite fun.

After trying the MP I decided to give rebatching a shot. I bought some wonderful CP base from a seller off of Ebay and I've been playing with that. I've tried the microwave method, crock pot method and boil in bag method. The boil in bag method is my favorite by far.

Now that I've gotten my feet a bit wet, I think I'm finally ready to give CP a go, especially since my husband told me the other day "Look. You're a nurse. You already know how to glove up and be cautious so if you want to do this then do it already." I had to laugh at his nurse analogy but I know what he meant. So yeah, I've decided to conquer my fear of lye and wander off into the land of CP soapmaking. That being said, I have a couple of questions.

1. Can someone recommend what size batch a newbie CPer should start with?

2. Also, I'm very interested in trying the room temperature method. Is that a good way to start?

Thanks all

Bobbi Jo

p.s. To EVERYONE who has posted such wonderful pictures in the gallery, I totally blame you all for my new addiction, ummm, I mean hobbie.

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Thanks Carrie. 2 lbs sounds good. I've got several recipes that make 4-6 lbs, but I didn't want to start out that big in case something went wrong. ie: I screw it up.

Well, the hard part now is that I've got company so I can't really do anything til next weekend. It's gonna make for a long week because I'm so totally ready to get started. Up side though is it gives me a little more time to search around for a smaller recipe.

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Thanks Carrie. 2 lbs sounds good. I've got several recipes that make 4-6 lbs, but I didn't want to start out that big in case something went wrong. ie: I screw it up.

Up side though is it gives me a little more time to search around for a smaller recipe.

No need to do that. If you have the recipe, and it's amounts and not percentages, you have to work it backwards, then enter the new batch size and % on soapcalc and you will get the new amounts.

Post the recipe and I'll be happy to give you a hand if you did not follow me.


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Thanks for the reply eugenia. To be honest I didn't even think about using the soap calc and since I've never tried it before this is the time.

I love this forum. Everyone is so helpful. Of course I think it has to do with all you soap junkies sticking together. :D

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Well just keep in mind that there are many of us, myself included that will be jumping off this cliff of CP soap very soon as well. I'll be joining you in a few short weeks. I still have a few basic suppies to get and order my oils and butters before going at it. I've already got the lye so I WILL be doing this.

I've picked out what I will be soaping, I think. I need to go back and read the thread again but it very basic with no milk or anything that would accelerate the trace.

I was REALLY hoping to do it late next week but the orders for candles keep pouring in! I came home from setting up at my last show, to four orders over the phone. And they're all out of state!:undecided Also one of my wholesale accounts just got the new Mulberry and they need 14 of them on Mondaay! They've got a waiting list!:shocked2: Came home to that phone call too! I just dropped a free candle for the stores to burn right before going home to load up for the show!

When the candles settle down, I be doing the CP!

Please keep us informed! We'll encourage each other!:D !!!


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Welp, I tried HP and was totally satisfied. I was freaked when it took 30 minutes of stiring to get a decent trace but after that, it was all good. I want to try CP but, I just cant keep myself waiting 4-6 weeks for it to cure. I hope your soaping adventures go well and if you screw up, don't feel bad. It took me three batches to finally get one that turned out decent.

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