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Concerned about cold weather ruining things that are shipped

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I get wondering if the cold weather is going to ruin the wax or fo's when they freeze since just about everything I order comes from half a country away or further. And things will freeze... it takes on average about 1 1/2 weeks or longer for stuff to come UPS.


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I ship to Massachusetts and so far no problem. For 2 orders I shipped through USPS. One order was mailed on Friday and she got it on Monday.That is shipping from Ohio. When I shipped through UPS it took from Friday till the following Wedneday.

1 1/2 weeks is a long time. I get orders from CA within a week.

I don't worry about my orders but do about candles. My sales rep said the candles have been fine so far and the colors look good. She has them displayed at her house getting ready for a party this week.


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Some of my latest FOs state that crystals may form in the liquid if it is stored below 15C. It says to bring it back to room temp and stir to disolve the crystals. No harm done. 1 barrel was actually in the car for a couple of days, at about 6-8C, and there were no crystals.

This stuff is oil based, so I would think it's freeze at quite a bit below 0 degrees. Anyone tried a small sample in the freezer ? Does your MSDS state the freezing point/storage temps ?

I'd refer to the MSDS/manufacturer, they know how their products perform.

Mr Chips

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I'm in Northern Vermont and think we get a tad colder than you coasties (lol), I've never had a problem with anything.

I store all my wax out in the garage, the cold won't bother it. Generally, anything else packaged is moved around from truck to truck enough that it's not subject to constant temps cold enough (and for a long enough period of time) to cause any harm. If something was left on your doorstep for an extended period, in sub-zero temps, you might have some freezing, but typical packaging (bubble wrap, peanuts, paper, etc) provides an enormous amount of insulation. HTH.

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Since I too live in Maine I can answer ya!! The temp does not affect the wax but it does fragrances. When my orders arrive I let them sit for a day to get warmed up!! You will get some crystalizing in the fragrances but once they warm they are fine.

Also, if you are shipping candles, do it on Monday so the candles aren't sitting in a cold warehouse over the weekend.

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