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Need help w/ possible account...

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In the last couple of weeks, things are really coming together for me. I am going to be in my first craft show on Nov. 13. I live in a really little town and they are having a Christmas shopping extravaganza. All the stores and malls around New Orleans are still closed because of the hurricane so we are hoping this goes well. Not much choice on where to do Christmas shopping.

Now for my dilemma:

I am so excited but nervous as hell! I went last night to get a haircut and the owner of the salon was asking about my candles! She wanted to see some but I can't keep any in my car because of the heat. She said she is interested in setting up something w/ me to sell my candles in her shop. I told her I would come by and bring her some samples and talk to her about it.

So now what?:embarasse I have looked in the archives at past threads and now am totally confused! What is the difference between consignment and wholesale and which way should I go? Sorry for the stupidity but I am so confused on how to approach this. I respect all of you so much :bow: and can't wait to hear your opinions.


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Consignment is where you place items in someone's store and they charge a % each month of your sales to cover their expenses.

Wholesale is when someone places an order with you for X amount of $ (alot have a minimun of like $100) and they turn around and sell it for what they wish to.

That's the extent of what I know about it,,,,,,,,HTH Portia

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A friend of mine is a hairdresser. Last year she sold candles for me in the holiday season. I'd give her the candles and she would get 15% commission. It went very well but we started too late. This year, her customers were asking for the candles in September. She lets me know what's getting low and I make more.


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Well, I'm a pro at this now (having set up my first consignment deal last night)! Check out Candlebusinesscorner.com for contracts. I believe I saw both wholesale and consignment there.

For my deal, I supply the display rack and candles. He sells and collects 20%.

Wholesale is probably the better deal since they would have a vested interest in selling the product. Perhaps you could give consignment a 30 or 60 day trial, then evaluate towards going wholesale instead.

Whichever way you go, get your ducks in a row...know what you want and be prepared to deal with your end of the agreement.

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I've had arrangements with people where I give them an inventory/display's worth "Net 60 or return" which means that they are to treat it as an invoice that is due in 60 days or retun to me in saleable condition. Puts the responsibility on them, gives you ample time to see what the sales will be like and gets them thinking 'wholesale' account rather than consignment.

The upside of consignment is that you get a bigger percentage of the sales and can work very well with a few select accounts. But you have to trust their organization 100% and you can only keep track of so many without it becoming a headache.

That's been my experience anyway :)



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Thank you so much for your help. Consignment sounds like what I will do for now. I just wasn't sure how to approach it. This salon has 5 hairdressers and also tanning booths. They do a lot of business so this would be great to get my name out there. I am going to get everything ready this weekend and will stop by Monday afternoon. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

I am so excited!!!!:yay:

Thanks again,

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