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Foamer Soap Help please


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I am new to foamers and I have what is probably a stupid question that I didn't see an answer for when searching.

I have liquid soap, and I have the ratio down as far soap vs. water.......what I DON'T know.........do most of you scent yours with body safe fos or leave it alone unscented. IF you scent it, any idea how much fo to add for a 6 oz foamer?

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You should only need a few drops of FO for a six ounce bottle. I made up some foamer shampoo for my daughter with lavender EO and did 3 drops for a total of 8oz product.... and probably could have gone with 2 drops. So for a regular body safe FO, I'd start with maybe 3-5 drops? You can always add more in the foamer bottle and shake to mix.

If I've done my math correctly, 0.1oz of FO would be just under 2% fragrance load for a 6oz container, so I personally wouldn't go above that.

If I'm leading you grossly astray someone will come to our rescue (I hope)

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I am an odd duck. I don't scent it per bottle. I tried ONE bottle like that and the FO separated after a few days. I said heck with that. Just think mixing water and oil, the oil will come to the top.

I now mix up shower gel and scent it so the FO binds with the shower gel. I will just add the shower gel to my foamer and fill with water. I have never had the FO separate that way either.

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I always add extra preservative to mine to make up for the added water I'm adding. I think people forget about that, but the showergel is usually only preserved enough to assume it is being used straight- adding all that extra water opens it up to growing beasties IMO.

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