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415 users~couple of questions

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First, is 415 the same thing as ez soy? Just curious. Thought I saw that somewhere.

Second, I'm testing 2 containers. First one - a 7 oz tumbler- was perfect with an eco 10. Then I tried an 8 oz jj and the eco 10 was too hot and the eco 8 was too weak. Eco 9 would be perfect. Is there an equivelant to that? I can't remember if I tried the cd's now or not- I don't take very good notes :rolleyes2 . But I have an HTP 104 in right now and the burn is great, just a little hang-up on the sides, but I can't smell it. It could be me, I know a lot of you use htp's in 415, I think. I guess I should get the cd's back out and give those a go. I have a lot of jj jars here and I really wanted to use these. But for me they tend to get really hot and that's where I'm having trouble. Either the flame is weak and there is tons of hang-up, or the jar is too hot to touch.

Any suggestions for me, different wick series I should try? Thanks in advance for any input here.

ps-I'm using vanilla patchouli @ 1oz pp, no additives

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Do you find ECO 8 has a weak burn all the way through or does it tend to fade towards the end?

The problem may not be the wick size. ECO 8 and 10 aren't so far apart that you normally need anything in between. This wax just doesn't seem to burn very well. With some fragrances if you're wicking a small diameter jar you may not be able to wick down far enough without having it drown out.

With the last FO I tried in an 8 oz tumbler, ECO 10 tended to die and ECO 12 was too large.

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Yeah, I read your thread about 415. The eco 8 seemed weak the whole way. Too much hang-up and just a pitiful little flame. The eco 10 would have been fine in a thicker jar I think. It just felt too hot to me. I have a CD 10 going right now and it looks right on. It has a little hang up but that will be gone soon. Although, now I'm thinking I'll need to watch to see if the flame starts to fade.

Well, at this point the cd is beating the htp. I hope this one doesn't drown!

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Thanks for all the replies, and the clarification on the ezsoy thing.

Hi, I use a cd 14 in jj or htp 105 and right now Im testing hemp wicks and am really likeing them!

This one is really bugging me. Meredean, do you think your jelly jars get hot? I mean, the eco 10 was great, but the friggin jar was just too hot for me to be comfortable with that. I guess maybe the jar is the problem more than wicking this wax. The votive/tumbler that had the eco 10 was thicker glass and burned perfectly, but these jj's are thinner glass and a bit more narrow. It's like I need 1/2 size smaller to get the result I want. Maybe I'm just being too picky. Maybe I need to step away from the wicks...and the wax...and take a break...and try again tomorrow

:tiptoe: <--me stepping away....

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Guest meredean

LOL I am having the same problem with my tumblers, everything was either to hot or it wasn't enough! But then I got the hemp wicks and they are burning so nice even mp, Great scent throw, nice flame, (its not dancing around) and the mushroom was smaller then cotton, cd or htps mushroom...so for now Im sticking with these, the ones that curl over seems to make the smaller jars seem even hotter cuz that curl gets soo close to wall of the jar and when its thin glass its kinda scary!

When I used the jj I thought they got hot with them wicks but not where u couldnt pick it up if you had too. HTH

Take Care


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Maybe I'll order a sample pack of hemp wicks. The cd is still hanging in there. I'm about 1/2 way down the candle at this point. Ht isn't great, but it's a pretty narrow jar and I didn't give this any cure time either. But still better than the htp. As for the jar getting hot, this seems okay to me. It is curling a bit so the mp is off center, but I'm okay with that as long as the jar is cool enough. The other wicks were so hot you couldn't pick up the jar if you held it at or above the mp level.

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I loved the way hemp wicks burned with the EZ Soy.

I got a FMP*, But they shroomed like crazy.

I always got a HUGE ball on the top of my wicks. :rolleyes2

That is one of the reasons I switched.

*ETS: I always got a FMP when I didn't have a "Bad Batch of Wax" LOL

Even a large piece of rope would drown out in the bad batch of wax!!!!

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Guest meredean

Love your little elf Island girl!

Yeah they do mushroom but not as bad as cotton or zinc, love the mp its soo smooth and even ..lol Thats funny that that excites me:yay: !

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Okay, so chuckle for the day: "The hemp shroomed liked crazy." I just have this mental picture of a hippy doing shrooms for some reason. :laugh2:

I just wanted to mention that if you are trying to get a general idea of which wicks you like with a certain jar, I would think vanilla patchouli would be a bad oil to try it with. Again, I could just be reading your post wrong, but I took it as you trying to find a general wicking that will work for the jar and the oil was kind of mentioned as an after thought. I am just thinking back to when I was trying to find a good wick type/size for my jars. I would test a pretty "normal" oil that I knew not to be a bugger to wick and once I got that one down, I would move to the harder wickers from there. I don't carry a vanilla patchouli, but I do carry other oils with either vanilla or patchouli in them, and they are notoriously the ones I really have to play with to get the right wicking.

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I think you read my post right. I sometimes don't even know what my point is, lol. This is my first time using both 415 and this fo. So I'm new to both. Maybe I should have asked more specifically about which wick series people prefer for this wax.

I'm sure there are easier fo's to test with, but seeing as how the wax is new for me too I figured I'd just go for it. I've used both of these jars before, but that doesn't much matter with a new wax. It's like starting from scratch.

I like how the eco's and the lx's burn in the 415, but the jj seemed to keep a good temp with a cd 10. Top- it never did drown out.

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I think you read my post right. I sometimes don't even know what my point is, lol.

Join the club! :D Even when I talk to myself...then I argue with myself and it is just a big mess!

Maybe I should have asked more specifically about which wick series people prefer for this wax.

I have used all the ones you mentioned with this wax and have always stuck with the CDs. Your oil of choice just stuck out when I read it because I am testing one right now that is an earthy one and I am about to pull my hair out. You could possible get the wicking done on this one, think you are good to go, then go make something that is an easy wicker and end up with a five inch deep melt pool.:laugh2:

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