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Anyone use soap bevellers?


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It seems to me I have seen this question before but a search brings up no matches. Do any of you have a soap beveller (sp?) and if so, where is a good place to buy one? I have been looking and found a few but I want to make sure I buy a good one so I would really like to hear all your feedback about soap bevellers. I found one at KB for $31.00 and a beveller/shaver at the Soapgoat for $29.69 which looks pretty good. Has anyone ever bought anything from the Soapgoat? TIA. :)

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My hub made me a soap beveller.. Total cost of materials was under $8.00 and it took him all of 10 minutes to actually put it together..

My bevel is a little deep, but you can adjust it to make them less or more, whatever your preference.. Best little tool ever.. I LOVE IT!!

I'm at work right now, but when I get home, if I can remember, I will post the directions hub used..


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I bought some color for soap from the Soapgoat, they seem fine. I didn't have any trouble with them.

I found a place that shows you how to make a beveler for yourself.


I usually take a wide potato peelers and do the edges. It is fast and kind of fun.

Hope this helps some.

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I ended up ordering 2 of the one from FCS. They are priced so good that I could afford to buy a back up one. Thanks again to everyone for the advice. I always appreciate it.

Good to see you on the board Bunny. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and that life is getting back to as normal as possible for you, your husband and your little darlin's (as well as all those affected by the hurricane). :D

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