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Chocoholic Logo


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This is on the line I had been thinking.I was asked to try to get into a choco fest.I wasn't able (not enough time) so I donated a basket to a Church filled with chocolate candles tarts etc. My idea since all were buying the kind to eat. I came up with a logo for my basket and it was fun making.

This year I made alot of Chocolate candles.Some like them and of course some said they make them hungry.

I have been on the kick now for 3 months. Chocolate Fudge Brownie is my favorite scent SO FAR. Probably put a new categorey on my site since I am a chocoholic and also it is now SUPPOSED to be good for you to eat. And we thought it was a bad thing for the heart.


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We have this next weekend Wild Wonderful Women's Chocolate Festival

It is a ball :)

This is on the line I had been thinking.I was asked to try to get into a choco fest.I wasn't able (not enough time) so I donated a basket to a Church filled with chocolate candles tarts etc. My idea since all were buying the kind to eat. I came up with a logo for my basket and it was fun making.

This year I made alot of Chocolate candles.Some like them and of course some said they make them hungry.

I have been on the kick now for 3 months. Chocolate Fudge Brownie is my favorite scent SO FAR. Probably put a new categorey on my site since I am a chocoholic and also it is now SUPPOSED to be good for you to eat. And we thought it was a bad thing for the heart.


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Last year was my first year knowing about the Chocolate Fest.Kinda something different for this area and it is only the 3rd year.

In fall/summer we have about every Fest you can think of.Sauerkraut, Pork, Strawberry,Apple,Black Walnut and so many others.

Wild Wonderful Women's Fest. That is a different name but add chocolate to it and you can understand why. I love Chocolate. Husband doesn't like it at all.


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