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Question about Craft Fairs???


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How many different types of candles would you take, I know that some people only sell 1 or 2 kinds of candles but what if you wanted to take like a variety, like how much is to much.

Example: Tarts, votives, pillars, jar candles

Am i making any scents :P

I haven't been to a craft fair that had candles there, so i really don't know how you would go about it.

And also how many fragrances would you take all, some or a few.

I was hoping that maybe next summer that i might go to 1 or 2 but want to be prepared and organized.

Thanks in advance,

Mindy :)

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Hi there,

I am doing my first craft show in 2 weeks. I am leaning towards a bigger variety. I have some frosted jars, some crocks, some apothecary jars, pillars and votives. Something for everybody. ;)

As far as scent is concerned, I will be offering about 20-25 different kinds. I am hoping it is enough to attract a wide variety of people, but not so much that people can't make up their minds and just walk away.

As I said, this is my first foray into this, so I could be totally wrong. I'll let you know if my guesstimating pays off!

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Well we currently offer a variety of things as you mentioned. We take enough to fill our table space and hope that we have enough under the table in storage to replenish. It doesn't always work out like that for us. Our spaces are segregated so one area is for our pillars and one for votives and a space for this and a space for that etc. I don't like to look like we barely have anything, but sometimes that just can't be helped.

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I really just wanted to figure out what other candles i should start making, I made another pillar candle and it looks like poo, I have no clue how you guys can do the tilted pillar, I can barely make a solid color pillar.

What have been your customers favorite candles, like the style, bakery kind that look like food, votives, layered candles, jar candles, etc...

Sorry i'm being so nosey, but i am very pleased with my jar candles and am ready to move onto something else, my friends want me to try the dipped bears but i want to make candles not the bears although i might someday but not now, I want to be challanged. I see so many candles that are so beautiful and want to try them so bad but not sure which one i should try first, so i plunged into pillar candles.

Thanks to everybody that has replied,

Mindy :yay:

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Start off small. If you already do pillars, jars, and the whole she-bang take them. If you only do votives and jars right now, stick to that. Take only the scents you do right now. Try it out and see where it goes. I took only jars and votives to my first show. I had only 7 scents. I took a book and wrote down suggestions that people wanted to see, scents, tarts, ect. I now have added 45 diffrent FO's and they all sell well becuase I catered to what was wanted in that particular area. Definatley start small and go from there!! :smiley2:

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I'm new to shows but I have a vertical shelf that allows me to disdplay 66 scents in a space of 14" x 36", with storage underneath. I have 2 other vertical shelves that display pillars and am working on one to display votives. I find that people like variety. I may only carry 3 or 4 each of the "off season" fragrances but they are available for those that only like such and such. I only do one size pillar and the votives are from the extra wax when I make a pillar. Would rather not mess with them but they are inexpensive to buy so I carry them. I am still working on my "line" so to speak, but the shelves are designed to be flexible and display whatever I decide to carry.

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Mindy, it's very easy to get caught up in wanting to try this or that, but start out just trying perfect one thing. If you're having a hard time getting a solid color to come out right, stick with that till you have it down pat (meaning you can get it to come out consistently right.) Afterall, making a solid colored pillar is the basics before moving to other techniques.

What works for other people doesn't mean it will work for you. For instance, I'm told by NYers that NY is all about containers and pillars just don't go over well. Most of what we've seen in vendors from South Dakota and south of there all do container candles as their primary. There are very few that do a variety of things.

Once you get to a stage where you're comfortable in the kind of candle you're making, then move on to another if you want. Just be more strict with yourself. And I know this isn't easy, because there's a lot to want to try that's still on my list to do.

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I had a show last year and doing the same show again for my old high school. A lot of vendors came butit was on the wrong night so they opted for a weekend this time. So I just brought everything I had which I sold a quarter of what I had but I sold that was my purpose! lol...but this time I'm bringing in somehting different. Last time I brought jars, photo hurricanes. This time I'm going to bring aroma beads, clamshells, tarts, and some cute claypots that I made and I need to show you because they look so cute, but I have to make them I know those sold out quick! I'll post a pic in a few weeks after I'm done doing all of my stuff. But it sucks cause you never know what the mood is for the people coming in and then the price might be to high for them. But in the end somehow you come out with making something, but it is your first show so you'll know by trial and error. Good luck!

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I am preparing for my first ever craft fair next month. I am taking only what I have perfected and have 100% confidence in selling ... 4 oz. and 8 oz. container candles, votives, wax melts (aka tarts), firestarters, and auto air fresheners. All of these items are priced under $6. I am also offering gift crates of 4 oz. and 8 oz. candles, all priced under $20. I think this is a pretty good variety and in a price range that would work for customers wanting to purchase teacher gifts, secret Santa gifts, gift exchanges, etc. We'll see if my strategy pays off ... I'm nervous as can be!!! :eek:

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its mostly a judgement call on what to take. You may take just a few items, and sell out quick, or you may take everythign and not sell but a few things... this year has been kinda tricky with craft shows. I have only done 1 this year and was a total flop.. but last year I did well.... but I am off topic a little...... what I do is take a few of each, in several of my best selling scents.. if someone wants somethign different, it helps set up outside sales... just my opinion.. HTH:smiley2:

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Tess has the right idea...start with what fragrance oils you already have and then add some based on suggestions from your customers. Get really good at what you do and stay focused and start small. Then you can expand and add different items with time. It is so easy to try to do alot of different types of candles right off and not put out a really good, consistent product. Listening to what your customer wants is the best way to determine what you will be adding to your product line!!!

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I usually take a my most popular scents and then choose a few more that I think may sell. I agree with everyone that said start with one thing, perfect it, then try something different. It is very easy to get caught up in wanting to try everything all at once. I tried that in the beginning and was so overwhelmed I couldn't stand it!:smiley2:

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