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Wicking Glass Glow with CSN wicks

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I know Candle Science has a wick guide, which I used. But I am glad I made one tester with a smaller wick size because it looks like a winner! I poured ST Baked Apples at 6% FO in two 3" tumblers. One wicked with a CSN14 and one with a CSN12. The CSN14 is a torch and burning off-center (I am assuming it is from all the dancing the flame is doing). Plus this glass is so damn hot. The CSN12 left quite a shell on the first two burns, but this third burn is really working it out! Still a shell but so thin it should disappear soon...in fact one side is already melting. I have 30 minutes left on my third 4-hour burn, so I will try to post a couple of pics.

BTW, even though there is a spice note in this Baked Apples FO, I have never found the need to wick up on it.

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I did have a little trouble on the baked Apples and on Cinnamon Buns. I called CS yesterday and they were very helpful, and I was impressed with their knowledge of the product. I told him that I was taking the wax up to 200*, then adding dye and FO at 190* and pouring. He said that was all fine, but he suggested taking the wax/FO combo back up just over 200* and that it would help. He said not to worry about burning off the scent, and to just take it up and then remove from heat. I haven't tried it but I will. If that doesn't work, I will try 5%.

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