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Buying A Candle Business?


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A lady that knows I have a candle business contacted me about buying her candle business, because of health and marital issues. She is using a real estate agent to do the transaction and I am wondering if it would be worth it to buy her business. I am wondering if anyone has bought a candle business and if it was worth it. TIA

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I can't imagine why it would be worth it. If she's your local competition and she's going out of business, chances are her customers will come to you anyway. If she isn't local competition, say an online business, it would have to have some major brand recognition to make it worth it IMHO

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Just wondering what she is selling. You said she has a real estate agent handling the sale, does that mean she is also selling her store front? Ususally a real estate agent does not take care of the sale of the actual business, usually a lawyer handles that.

Also, what is included in the sale , such as is she just selling her store or is there equipment included? Is she selling you her customer list and maybe you can generate business that way? If she has a good following, maybe she can help you sway her customers to you.

Just be careful if you do it and I would have a lawyer check it out before you sign anything

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I have bought out many candle maker's businesses. However, I only buy inventory. I don't want their name, website, etc. since I already have my own. And if buying inventory, you will want to look at the products first, then get an itemized list. Be careful with b&b products, as they can go bad--like the oils, etc. I also make sure that I will be able to use a lot of the product--and of that I won't use, I check to see if I can resell it. HTH

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I received all the information for the business and after reviewing it I don't see anything worth what she is asking. I have more inventory than she does and I just don't have a storefront. The financial statements aren't impressive either. I have been doing wholesale for the past few years and thought maybe I could move into a building that already has the customer base with more space to expand into. I wasn't interested in the name, but mostly the inventory. I am calling the real estate agent that sells commercial properties and let them know I am passing on this deal.

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