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Problem with wickless soy

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I made up some 100% soy wickless containers. They hardened beautifully. Nice creamy tops, etc. However, I've noticed that if I don't melt them completely, or only melt them for a short time, they get "wrinkly" on top, uneven. Now if I remelt for a long period of time, say 2-4 hours, they're fine. Is this normal?

eta: No dye, just fragrance

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Even though I do not do wickless soy candles, I do use soy wax. What you are describing sounds right for soy. You have a soy candle that is partially melted which would explain it setting up lumpy, bumpy, craters, etc. Personally, I would not worry about it. As long as you are getting a good scent throw from it, and it is cooperating in every other way, you customers are not going to notice. Even the wicked soy candles do this once they are burned. HTH

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I keep my personal wickless in my bedroom and I usually turn it off when I go to bed (if I remember! lol,) the room is cool and the fan is on and it cools way too quickly and sometimes makes those ugly or wavy tops. Nobody really cares if it smells good, you're going to remelt it anyway.

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