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Has Andy Heard of or tried


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Expect it to take forever to trace! But other than that it makes a wonderful bar of soap. This is what is commonly know as Castile Soap. I make one that I market as a baby's soap. It's incredibly gentle and very mild. However, the lather is very tiny bubbles, which often is viewed as slimy. The longer it cures, the less 'slimy' it feels though. Most of my CP soaps I let cure for 4-6 weeks. My castiles, I prefer 4-6 MONTHS. Seriously. It makes a huge difference in the bar when in use.

It takes longer to set up in molds (part of the trace thing I'm sure). Mine took 2-3 days last time (I need to make more). Where normally I pull from molds just shy of 24 hours usually. But once it's 'cuttable', cut it. It ends up an incredibly HARD bar of soap. I have two logs that I forgot about, and I won't even attempt to cut them. I'll probably hack chunks off and end up shredding it for something, I just don't know what.

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Yes, it's called Castile soap. :)

I've not made a true Castile soap (100% olive oil soap) yet, but I have gone as high as 80% olive oil.

My 80% is absolutely lovely. It's very gentle and leaves my skin feeling so moist. I fragrance it and sometimes color it.

100% oive oil soaps need to cure a long time. Some people even like to cure them for a whole year. They are rather soft in the beginning and can be quite slick or slimey when bathed with, too, but a long cure makes them rock hard ad less slimey.

One of these days I'll get around to making a true Castile, but for now I'm completey satisfied with my 80%, 60% ad 50% oive oil soaps. I like to call those my 'Castile-types. Some people call them 'Bastile's'.

I hope more people will chime in, especially those that have made a true Castile.


MarieJeanette :)

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I make mine with 90% OO and 10% castor. No scent or color. I HP mine, and don't seem to have the problem with the bars being soft, obviously they still need a cure. But I can cut them within a few hours. I hate to tie up my molds I only have 2.

My mother takes care of a 91 yr. old woman and since she has got her to use that instead of of the commercial bar, her skin is SOOO much better. Even the woman who does her manicures commented on how much softer and smoother the skin on her arms has been.:D

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I often make 100% oo soaps. I don't find that they're that soft. I usually can cut them the next day, just like my other soaps. They are slimy, but I'm using a bar now that I've had for about a year and it lathers nicely now. These I either don't scent, or use eos. A few months ago I made one that was 75% oo and 25% shea. It's super hard. It's slimy, but I'm hoping the longer I have it the better it'll get.

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Who's Andy?

Top I wondered the same thing after I posted it, who the heck is andy?? LOL

But it wouldn't let me go edit the title.

Actually I think, he is the little man that helps me with my soap making, he sits on my work table. hehehe

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