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Veggie soap vs. Lard soap


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Frankly using animals as food and other items shows a survival of the fittest. I believe that if we don't eat them they would quickly overpopulate the earth and eat us. Or we would starve to death trying to compete with them for crops and other vegetation, they eat three times their body weight or more a day.

Nothing wrong with being a vegetarian, its the ones that make me feel like I am eating poison and killing the earth one cow at a time that I feel like throwing a nice hard bar of lard soap at.

That "abuse humans instead" slogan I believe I just saw last week on the Zum bar website. That site is so tongue in cheek, they crack me up.

HATE PALM hate it hate it hate it. I don't like soaping it and don't like using it. My biggest seller is a bar that is just lard, coconut, and sunflower. I use really high percentage of hard oils - 50-60 % but when I make my all veggie bar I only add the palm at 30% because I don't like it.

If you want dirt on Palm they are tearing down a gazillion acres of rainforest to produce it so I guess you have to choose the lesser of two evils by your own opinion - a leftover byproduct of meat production or something that is taking away the natural habitat of rainforest plants and wildlife. I am fine with people who choose not to eat meat, but I don't think that vegetarianism will take over the world any time soon so I think that using leftovers from meat production is a far better choice.

As for the animal thing I have a farm. I make soap from goat milk from my own goats. I eat goats, I eat my own home grown pork, I eat my own rabbits and I use LARD in my soaps. I have people who ask me (quite a few while eating some form of meat) how I can possibly eat those cute goats and bunnies? Here's the deal - they all start out cute. That burger you ate at McDonald's was a very cute calf once. Baby chicks are just adorable. The difference is that I have the guts to raise it under blissful organic conditions myself, kill it quickly and humanely, and respect the animal that gave it's life for my food. My kids have friends who don't correlate that hamburger come from cows. They think it magically appears in the grocery store or something.

I wouldn't eat my dog, I wouldn't eat my momma goats - they are PETS, but I have animals that aren't pets but product for meat, or soap, or whatever. They are treated very well, I enjoy having them, I am an animal lover, but I don't get attached. I'm sure that joke was tongue in cheek and personally I thought it was funny and a true irony. The human one wasn't funny at all. Animals and humans are not the same - not in my book anyway.

rant over,


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Frankly eating meat is survival of the fittest. If we don't eat them they would quickly overpopulate the earth and eat us. Or we would starve trying to compete with them for crops and other vegetation, they eat three times their body weight or more a day.

I kind of agree and disagree.

The part I agree with is that there's a balance of nature and that no animal, including a human, is guilty of something if they consume another animal.

I'm not big on the Darwinism thing though. It's not that I have an anti-science viewpoint, but the whole Darwinism thing is more philosophy than science. It describes nature as a huge battle. Sometimes it's even used to justify our own violent tendencies. I personally see nature as a huge harmony.

For example, anyone can see that lions and gazelles aren't at war. Gazelles know when lions aren't hungry. Then they hang around them without worries and without a grudge. Lions will take a gazelle when the pride needs to eat. They'll kill it quickly and humanely. I believe all involved understand their place in the harmony of things. I'd venture to say they participate in that harmony more fully and joyfully than many humans.

People don't need to be better than the lion. Rather they should aspire to its standards.

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I prefer veggie soap bars over lard soap bars. :tiptoe: While I used to like the feel of lard bars, the stench is something I couldn't get over. I could have a gloriously fragranced bar and only smell piggy fat. :lipsrseal

Some peoples' noses are sensitive to the piggy smell and I am one of them. I have had swap bars where people comment on not smelling anything but the fragrance and I detect it.

I don't like to eat lard either. I notice it in foods also.

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I prefer veggie soap bars over lard soap bars. :tiptoe: While I used to like the feel of lard bars, the stench is something I couldn't get over. I could have a gloriously fragranced bar and only smell piggy fat. :lipsrseal

Some peoples' noses are sensitive to the piggy smell and I am one of them. I have had swap bars where people comment on not smelling anything but the fragrance and I detect it.

I don't like to eat lard either. I notice it in foods also.

No peanut butter and lard sandwiches for you then! lol

I've heard about lots of folks that can smell lard in soap. Nothing wrong with that. I wish my nose worked as well. And nothing wrong with prefering a veggie bar over a lard. I make both so my customers can have a choice.

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huh, I've never had someone say that about my bars - doesn't mean they won't, but not so far. I've smelled a pig up close and personal having them on the farm and I haven't had that scent or the lard scent in my bars.

I wonder if it was home rendered lard improperly done?



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I don't believe they would quickly overpopulate - they would just eat each other, die of "natural causes" and the like until a balance is struck. With wild animals that is. With domesticated food animals I suspect we would simply stop breeding and feeding 'em...

I eat meat. I like animals. I can live in both worlds at the same time.

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