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Wooden Scoops 4 Bath Scrubs/Salts??


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Can anyone tell me where the cheapest place to find these would be? either online or retail store?? I need some for a few potential Gifts for Christmas this year.. lol.. my kids are going to make some of the bath salts and give to their teachers & grandparents and I want to put the little scoops tied on the sides with a ribbon bow and we dont want to put alot of money in it since "little people dont make much money" ~:D

Thx in advance!!


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You can try:



or heres a ceative idea that I used for a gift to my sons teacher yesterday for her birthday. I made lavender bath salts and I couldn't find a scoop, so I went to Wal-Mart in the crafts dept and purchased the large sea shells and put one inside the jar. It was very cute and she loved it. You just have to decorate the outside of the jar.

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Not sure they are the same thing but I have some from MMS if you need

Is there a way to figure shipping cost to me before check out? I have pp credit card & have to add money to it first~lol.. I love those and 10 would be perfect to start with.. :D Thanks much.. You guys are great source of information and so awesome means of "moral support" for the newbies! :smiley2:

Thanks again!


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Is there a way to figure shipping cost to me before check out?

You can get a shipping 'quote' from MMS before you order. I do this all the time (they probably hate me simply for abandoned carts! LOL!). Basically, you'll start the check out process. You will need to put in your full shipping information, but it'll then give you your shipping options and the costs for each. But the payment processing comes AFTER this page. So you can go in, get prices & shipping info, but not actually place your order. I do this sometimes when I need to get my cost for some ingredients I get from them. It probably creates an abandoned cart in their system (I know it does in my shopping cart system), but you do what you gotta do!

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Not all cart systems do that. Mine does. It holds the info for 10 days I think. Sometimes I'll go through, and e-mail the customer, asking if there's anything I can do to help them with completely their order. Don't usually get a response. But knowing how often I do the same thing, especially pricing out shipping, I don't worry about it. I'm sure most companies don't. I currently have 4 'abandoned' carts in my que. A couple are regular customers that I'm sure are pricing out shipping. One is a customer who ended up calling in her order because she had a question, the last processed an order this morning, and just ended up using a separate cart. Only reason I even checked my carts is because of this thread, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered! LOL!

So as a customer, I seriously wouldn't fret over abandoning a cart if you're checking shipping prices and such. If the company even has the capability of checking, and bothers checking (I hardly do anymore), they know it's part of doing business.

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These are .42 per hundred.

Quoted from their website:

Canadian Customers: UPS or USPS Global Priority if requested. Freight charges will be added when you order leaves our facility. Website freight charges are only an estimate. We will use the best, most efficient possible means to ship your order.


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