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Tips on sealing wick holes on bottoms of my pillar molds?

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Hi Guys,

Thought I might eventually take a stab at making pillars again. The thing is, the molds I have have the wick holes for wick insertion in the bottom, yet I don't need them, as I have wick pins. I've had horrible 'accidents' where I had wax spill ALL OVER the kitchen because the screw didn't hold, and it was near impossible to get the wick to stay straight even when I did get the hole clogged up enough. I've heard of using metal tape with the screws, but I'd rather not mess with them. I want to use palm pillar wax and know with the pouring temps necessary for the crystallization to form, you have to pour hotter than soy, so... anyone have any tips other than welding the holes shut lol?

Thanks a bunch!

Violet :D

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You can also use magnets - there are some that come in a scored sheet that you just break one off and put over the hole -- nothing leaks. But I don't know where to get them - my son had a sheet that I grabbed when he wasn't looking......so I'm not really any help...except, I know they work.

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I have had the same problems and tried everything. Now I take the wick pin and poke it through the mold hole and I put mold sealer on the base of my wick pin to seal pin to mold. It holds most of the time, but if I have leakage it is very little and I put my molds on a screen with a catch pan underneath. You might have to balance your mold a little if you have the straight oct molds. I pull the candle from the mold and than wick it and heat gun the bottom to secure the wick or use a wick with a tab on it. Hope this helps

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