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I am certainly not in favor of the candle or home scenting industry being regulated. I have always felt that rules were a poor substitute for common sense.

So yes, each individual gets to make their own choices about what they tell potential customers who ask. In the same way that each potential customer gets to choose whether he thinks the merchant thinks he's an idiot, and where he will take his dollars based on that.

Candle making is a rapidly growing business. Which means competition is springing up just as fast.

Whether you are buying candles, supplies, groceries or any other item who would you like to buy from? the people who are happily making the best product they can and operating in integrity and honesty? I know I would.

I wonder, when you see the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups that cheerfully say on the front: "Made With REAL Peanut Butter!!!"

Are you happy that they are actually using the real stuff as oppsed to the crappy fake peanut butter; or do you think they already think of the average consumer as an idiot who is easily influenced?

I have never heard of synthetic peanut butter either but it does highlight the fact that it is so easy to tell a half truth or a misleading part of the truth and still think youre "smellin like a rose" but it only takes a 4 year old to know that the trust factor has just flown out the window.

No offense to anyone. Interesting to see just how many people care about this, evidenced by the length of this thread.

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I'm sure we would agree on many situations that are clearly dishonest and misleading. However I also think you are thinking within a frame of reference that I simply don't share.

A certain mindset says that extremist fads such as making candles out of pure flaked soy shortening represents the "true" soy candle even though there's no basis whatsoever for such a definition. Then people obsess over the percentage of shortening or whether there's any paraffin in it and what to call it as if there's some compelling significance to it all.

The whole soy vs. paraffin debate is artificial to me, especially in the consumer realm where these ingredients are accorded some intrinsic value even beyond candle performance. This too shall pass. I choose to honor my own reality rather than contribute to it. If I see a blue sky, I don't need to fall in line with the priorities of people who say it's orange.

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[qoute]Are you happy that they are actually using the real stuff as oppsed to the crappy fake peanut butter; or do you think they already think of the average consumer as an idiot who is easily influenced?

I could care less if they put a "made with real" tag on it. It's reeses and I am going to eat it. I also don't think that manufacturers believe we are stupid, I believe they are catering to both crowds...the ones that could care less what the package says and buys it cause it is reeses and the ones that do care and will only buy it because it has the "made with real" tag on it. The best of both worlds.

When I am shopping I don't have any time to sit and look at packages to see what special tag is on them now. I shop with an 11 yo, 9 yo and 17 month and sometimes a badgering husband who can not keep quiet. I buy it, try it and if I like it I go back and buy more, it certainly has nothing to do with how the item is being toted.

And to be quite honest, as a consumer of candles, I would have no clue and would not even think to ask "hmm, what's this candle made of" simply because I could care less what many have posted about soy, about paraffin and all that nonsense. I see a candle that smells good I buy it. If it burns good with a great throw then you can rest assured I am going to buy it again, regardless of what many many post about the different waxes. And I am sure many many consumers are the same way. I dare to say that those asking what type of wax is in this is not the majority (coming from someone who used to sell PartyLite and the consumers could care less what was in it as long as it burned good and smelled good, out of all the parties I held not one single person ever asked what type of wax was in the candle). I think the ones that do ask are the ones that have had some experience with candlemaking, are wanting your formula or have read some hype about one type of wax and is following what they read.


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I have been following this thread and find it very interesting. I don't make soy candles so this isn't an issue for me, however, my two cents is that if a person is selling a candle that is labeled paraffin......and you are using palm stearic or animal stearic.....then you don't have a pure paraffin candle. It becomes a blend of paraffin and animal stearic or vegetable stearic. Some people use 30% of stearic acid. I am sure that a lot of vegans would like to know if they candle they are purchasing has been made with an animal product. I have never seen that included on a label......maybe it has but I haven't seen it. So......if the people who make soy/paraffin blends need to include the exact proportions do the people who make paraffin/ stearic blends need to include that information too?????????? Donita

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I guess we all see this issue differently.

Some see it as a soy/parraffin debate. (Not even sure how that transpired here.)

Some think its about telling people all your little secrets about how the candle was made.(Which doesnt seem a reasonable option to me either)

I just see it as about honesty. I too eat reeses peanut butter cups because I like them. Not because of advertising. Or marketing.

But if a potential customer is asking a question, it is because they are asking for information that is important to them. Not because they want another version of the canned sales pitch."Soy blend" or "parraffin blend" especially as applied to the same line of candles is pretty far removed from supplying information.

Whether someone prefers soy or parraffin or a blend or peanut butter, that is their choice. Not everyone shops from the "ethical consumerism" handbook. There are many reasons to prefer different types of waxes.

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This one is so easy, if a customer asks, you tell them the truth. I use parrafin, I don't have time to play with soy. If a customer asks, which is very rare, as my candles burn well, smell great, I tell them straight up. Many of my wholesalers have given up on soy, and prefer mine, because their customers are buying mine. You don't have to lie to sell you product, you just have to have a product that is appealing to the consumer. Some people want soy and they deserve to know that that is what they are getting. If they think they are getting something different then you are pretty much off the list of companies to buy from.

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[qoute]Are you happy that they are actually using the real stuff as oppsed to the crappy fake peanut butter; or do you think they already think of the average consumer as an idiot who is easily influenced?

I could care less if they put a "made with real" tag on it. It's reeses and I am going to eat it. I also don't think that manufacturers believe we are stupid, I believe they are catering to both crowds...the ones that could care less what the package says and buys it cause it is reeses and the ones that do care and will only buy it because it has the "made with real" tag on it. The best of both worlds.

When I am shopping I don't have any time to sit and look at packages to see what special tag is on them now. I shop with an 11 yo, 9 yo and 17 month and sometimes a badgering husband who can not keep quiet. I buy it, try it and if I like it I go back and buy more, it certainly has nothing to do with how the item is being toted.

And to be quite honest, as a consumer of candles, I would have no clue and would not even think to ask "hmm, what's this candle made of" simply because I could care less what many have posted about soy, about paraffin and all that nonsense. I see a candle that smells good I buy it. If it burns good with a great throw then you can rest assured I am going to buy it again, regardless of what many many post about the different waxes. And I am sure many many consumers are the same way. I dare to say that those asking what type of wax is in this is not the majority (coming from someone who used to sell PartyLite and the consumers could care less what was in it as long as it burned good and smelled good, out of all the parties I held not one single person ever asked what type of wax was in the candle). I think the ones that do ask are the ones that have had some experience with candlemaking, are wanting your formula or have read some hype about one type of wax and is following what they read.


I agree with you Angi - I have a number of friends that I have given test candles to - not one of them cared or asked what kind of wax it was - they just cared whether it smelled good and fragranced their home.

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Ok, after reading all of the post and thinking about what everybody says. I have decided to just call it a parasoy blend. If they want future info, I will give it to them. I don't want to be sneaky or lie about anything. And I honestly didn't think I was doing anything wrong. But I think this would be the best way to describe it. Now I am going to have to explain what a parasoy is...:tongue2: I can hear it now.... Is this stuff really made out of parrachutes????.....Oh.... you pare those little soy beans up into wax??????....... What....... a pair of soys, what is that?.......Is that like that Lea and Parrins soy sauce?.............. I can't wait..:confused: Maybe when they ask me what kinda wax I use, I will just say WHITE....:D lol

If it works for you...don't change it

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