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I Would Really Love Help From Anyone!

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Hello there, I am interested in making soy candles in containers first, I alway have wanted to learn and now I am really getting excited about it! I have no idea what to do. I am really at your mercy here. I know this may be alot to ask, but I just joined yesterday and this is all I know how to do is ask. Please help me learn to make a wonderful candle that I can be really proud of. Also is it more costly to make them then to buy them? Thank you all for you replys, -Candlelishous

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My advise would be to start with a candlemaking kit...Deb has already suggested Millcreek for their FO's and they do offer a kit at a very reasonable price.

Then if you find you still want to make candles stick with one or two suppliers at least at first. Actually if you find you like the kit at Millcreek..you could stick with them for everything and have some excellent candles. If you try to order from every supplier that someone mentions you will end up spending a fortune in shipping charges. And as everyone knows...shipping is a killer!!

Good luck!

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Guest Candelishis

Definitely start with a kit...that will give you a good idea as to how much work it really is, and whether or not you really want to do it. And definitely stick with local suppliers, at least from your state if possible, because shipping, especially for stuff like wax that you buy in large heavy quantities, is a doozie!! Have fun!!! It's addictive....that's for sure....

P.S.---Nice Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

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Definitely start with a kit...that will give you a good idea as to how much work it really is, and whether or not you really want to do it. And definitely stick with local suppliers, at least from your state if possible, because shipping, especially for stuff like wax that you buy in large heavy quantities, is a doozie!! Have fun!!! It's addictive....that's for sure....

P.S.---Nice Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

Hell I thought you were answering yourself. :D

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Lotsa folks start with kits and that's a fine idea. I made my own kit... bought a CDN wick assortment pack, 10# of NatureWax C3, some USA, a few liquid dyes and FOs and away we went. I already had a candy thermometer, canning jars, stuff to melt in (old canning water bath and some cleaned vegetable cans), popcicle sticks (to keep the wick in place while the candle cools), stuff to stir with... That was the smallest order I think we ever made! Been draining my funds ever since! :D

"...there's a Presto in the room

where all the money goes..."

(with apologies to John Prine)

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Also is it more costly to make them then to buy them?

Well SURE. You have to get yourself an education and pay for it!;) You have to build up supplies and stock, etc. So, SURE it's more expensive. The only way it would balance out for personal use is if you hit upon exactly what you need and ONLY buy that stuff. Like if I want my life continuously supplied with homemade vanilla soy candles in a canning jar, I COULD make that cost effective. But if you stray off the path and make some for friends, etc. you will have to plow money into it for a long time before you can ever hope to break even. Just get your feet wet, drip a little wax on your countertops and see if you enjoy the craft of candlemaking enough to go on to the next level...:)

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You are in the right place..When I started making candles last year, I had never heard of Candletech..Everything I did was backwards..

This Forum is a great help..But You really have to read, read, and then read some more..

I also agree that a kit is a wonderful way to start..

and yes it does cost lots of money..

But If you really want to learn, you can do it..

My advice is to do alot of testing,,and keep notes,,notes are very important.

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I would suggest to get a kit. That's what I did. I got mine from Lone Star. It was awesome and I got a soy one.

It does take a while to see a profit with any business. But as long as they sell and you price your candles right according to your location. U should do fine.

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