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Help doing a Combo Scent


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I have an account that is a resort and they want me to do a promo candle for them that would go with thier name. They want a 16oz chunk candle and would like the chunks to be a realistic fresh crisp Apple and the overpour to be something that goes with the other half of their name. The name is Apple Springs. I am having a hard time thinking of what FO to use for the Springs part? I need to do 2-3 combos and they will pick which one they want. They already go through a bunch of my applebutter/fresh baked bread but they want this one exclusive to them and already have their graphic/art department working on a label for it. I already supply all their soaps and lotions in Appleblossom. They don't want to use appleblossom in the candle. I am lost. Is there a spring water FO? TIA for any and all help!!

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I have a great selling chunk candle that I make using apple blossom and green tea. I call it Apple Blossom Tea House. The overpour is a green tea and apricot and freesia mix. The chunks are made with the apple blossom. I color the apple blossom chunks bright pink and leave the overpour white. It makes a striking contrast that compliments the fragrance blend. The fragrance blend is clean, crisp, and refreshing. It always sells out and customers always comment on the color combo.

BTW-- I make my chunks for this using fluted tart molds. I break the tarts up in chunks so I have chunks with the scalloped edging. It creates a fan like appearence where the chunks stick out of the top of the candle. Very pretty.

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I was thinking of some kind of water scent.....like Rain or Mt Lake..something like that. Candybee your description sounds wonderful!! Which has made me realize I need to think "outside" the box...LOL It doesn't have to be a water scent...I have to use something fresh that would go with Apples and that would create their promo scent. A fresh outdoorsy scent would work also. When I put the samples together for them...of a few different combos---they will pick which one they like and it can be named anything. I was stuck on Springs---being water. Sometimes it just takes a little nudge to start thinking in a whole new direction! LOL Off to research more scents...Thanks you 2!

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I just read the descrition on winter blast and that sounds perfect. So I went downstairs and dug through my FO's and I even have a 2oz'er of this one so definately going to try that one today! Also have a sample of Ocean and smelled that one and thinking that will also go really well with Apples! Found a couple others while going through all my samples that just might work also. Thanks you guys!!!

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I just read the descrition on winter blast and that sounds perfect. So I went downstairs and dug through my FO's and I even have a 2oz'er of this one so definately going to try that one today! Also have a sample of Ocean and smelled that one and thinking that will also go really well with Apples! Found a couple others while going through all my samples that just might work also. Thanks you guys!!!

If it works out, and they decide on that combo, I want a free candle. LOL!

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It sounds like you may have found your match, but you should also look into Apples and Oak. I absolutely love that scent, and I don't really smell the 'oak' as much as a freshwater scent.

That one sounds good too! I went and checked my samples because I thought I had that one too.....but I have the Lavender Apples & Oak...which I love also!

What supplier carries a good Apples & Oak for a soy blend?

Thanks for your idea!

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That one sounds good too! I went and checked my samples because I thought I had that one too.....but I have the Lavender Apples & Oak...which I love also!

What supplier carries a good Apples & Oak for a soy blend?

Thanks for your idea!

I work with paraffin and the one I've tried is from RA, so maybe that doesn't help you much :undecided

I see NG has an apples and oak, and candlescience has an apples and clover, which has a 2 leaf rating for soy. 'Green' fragrances are usually kind of fresh, so I would think that might work well for the spring part of the name. I have never sampled the apples and clover, though, so I am going out on a limb there.

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