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credit card machines

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Anyone use a mobile credit card machine for craft shows? If so who do you use? Anyone give any advise on this or help send me to suppliers of this? thanks in advance. I am looking for something to take CC payments at shows, etc as well as possible online at my website (currently use paypal to pay w/website).

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I have never used one myself..but the lady that does my nails said she would only buy her own..She was with some company, and I don't know who..but they really take alot for fees..so you need to really check on that..She now has bought her own, and does not have to pay monthly rent on the machine.,and fees..

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I have a virtual terminal I got through my bank. I just type in the info on my computer when I am at home and if I do a craft show, just take my laptop with and I have a swiper. I love it so far! Only bad thing is when doing craft shows you have to have your wireless with.

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Can someone give me some info on how propay works? I checked the site but I'm still curious how it works when you are at say a craft show? I don't have a lap top and i only have a cingular phone. Where do you buy the signature swippers that are portable to use w/propay and do you have to have one?

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You can get the manual 'knucklebusters' on ebay or at many different places online - they'll run $20-$60. The plate with your company name would be about another $15, and the forms are pretty cheap.

You don't *have* to have one, but I know I wouldn't use my card unless someone had a proper terminal, either electronic with direct hookup or a manual one using "real" credit card forms.

I use Propay - at night I run the numbers through, haven't had a bad one yet. All you need to enter is the cc number, expire date, amount, and zip code. You can input name/addy/cvs code if you want

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You buy a manual machines - you place the card in the space for it, put the credit card slip over it, and then when you move the arm over it, it puts the impression of the card on the paper. That's why they call them knucklebusters, cuz they hurt like the dickens when you slide them. :)

This is an example of one.. (not endorsing the company, just the first one I found googling)


The 4850 is close to the one I've got - most of the machines are pretty standard.

The forms are 2 part - one for the customer, one for me to use at night to input the info into Propay.

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