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Packaging MP soap?


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What is the best way to package MP soap? I know it needs to be wrapped. Saran wrap ok? Instead of a label on it, can I use a strip of cardstock wrapped around it? I have lots of Stampin Up cardstock and looking for a use for it. If I can incorporate it somehow, that'd be wonderful.

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Personally...and this is JMO

I wouldn't buy soap that isn't wrapped.

When I make M&P to sell I use saran or cello bags.

While parents are browsing...little kids just love to stick their grimy little hands on everything. I have had kids open candle jars and dig in the wax with their nails. :angry2: I could just see them digging into all those bare soaps. Yuck!


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I thought the whole purpose behind soap was "clean". I wouldn't go anywhere near unwrapped soap that people have mauled, sneezed on, dropped on the floor, let your imagination take over here.

On the rare occasions that I make M&P, I wrap in Reynolds 905C, available in huge rolls at Sams. Then either a cigar band (more trouble than it's worth) or simply slap an address-size label on the things.

Admittedly I'm no soap expert. Maybe I'm the one who is nuts in wanting my products to be presented in an unsoiled environment, especially soap.

Something about this thread makes me want to go take a shower, and I just took one an hour ago.


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I have OCD's...naked soap makes me nervous.:o The thought of a gazillion hands possibly touching it before I use it bothers me LOL

I sometimes let my M&P sit out for a few days...in it's own little area where no one can touch it LOL. Then it gets wrapped (with gloved hands!)...whether it's staying or going!

I guess it's just a matter of preference

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I also thought MP soap had to be wrapped. I'm sure I read that on one of the boards. Can someone explain if it needs to be wrapped or not? Thanks.

What? You don't believe me? LOL. Jeez, there was someone else on here too that said they sell theirs naked too.. what more do you want people? :cheesy2:

I swear to you, wrapping MP soaps is not written in stone. If you have no problems with sweating you don't have a worry in the world with leaving them naked. If your soaps sweat.. well, you might consider wrapping them to HELP WITH SWEATING, but you do not have to. But whatever.. maybe someone else will come on in and tell you what you want to hear. I give up.

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I don't think for some it's a matter of what anyone wants to hear PA, just several saying they prefer wrapped (me included, and even with CP.) That stuff looks nasty the more it bangs around (M&P and CP) when lugging from show to show, not to forget what was on peeps hands when they handled the soap.

S&M -- IT'S A CHOICE! There's no government rule.

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I don't think for some it's a matter of what anyone wants to hear PA, just several saying they prefer wrapped (me included, and even with CP.) That stuff looks nasty the more it bangs around (M&P and CP) when lugging from show to show, not to forget what was on peeps hands when they handled the soap.

S&M -- IT'S A CHOICE! There's no government rule.

The smiley faces were there for a reason Scented LOL. I found it amusing. Perhaps I came off with some attitude that wasn't intended. After several posts of people saying they prefer it one way or another, I guess I would have figured people would have realized it was a choice. My bad.

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Personally I prefer it wrapped myself. But what sells by far is the unpackaged. It far out sells the packaged soaps. That is what the customer is preferring. I always offer both packaged and unpackaged so they can choose.

I don't see anything wrong with a customer that prefers unpackaged soap. Its their preference. Its their choice. I hope no one is implying that there is something wrong with my customers or their choices.

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In this business what works for one person doesn't always work for the other. If my account wants it naked, who am I to argue, if they want it wrapped in aluminum foil, hey I'll do that too. I have accounts that sell naked soap and sell a ton of it, who am I to argue.These are very upscale stores as well. My goal is to sell.

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That's a great idea, Candlebean!

As far as naked soaps... I buy a lot of soap from Lush. If they don't have a wrapped one in the size I want, I have them cut it from the block. I figure that once the water hits it, it'll be fine. But theirs isn't MP :)

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