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Feedback on these thecandlesource.com FOs


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The Candle Source seems to be having a good sale now (4 oz is $3.89)and I'm thinking of ordering the FOs I've listed below. Any experiences with them would be much appreciated. Also if you've used their room/body spray and lotion bases, I'd love to know how they worked for you. Thanks!

Black Magic

Butt Naked

Candy Corn


Chestnuts & Brown Sugar

Christmas Splendor

Christmas Tree

Clothes Line


Cotton Candy

Country Bumpkin



Grandma's Kitchen


Mid Summer Night

Mulled Cider

Night Blooming Jasmine

Pink Sugar


Pumpkin & Vanilla


Sex On The Beach

The Great Pumpkin

Tropical Islands

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1st off: I really like thecandlesource oils, customer service & prices!

2nd: those "sale" prices are always that price!!!! They've been like that for at least a year. So that takes the pressure off to make a rushed order.

3rd: Their room & body spray base is the same one that WSP & soapandthings sells. I use it (wsp) & like it alot, but I will say that you have to go to the higher FO % when scenting it. Most FO's I have to go to 2% FO load as opposed to the .5-1% load. But I love this spray otherwise.

I've only tried 1 of the oils you have listed: Pumpkin & Vanilla. Like it very much because it's not a very spicey/clove type. Even though I haven't tried the oils you listed, I have tried about 12 others & liked them all. Oh, I only do B&B though. So don't feel rushed to order because those sale prices are always in effect. But I'd certainly try this place.

here are some reviews of their oils:


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Thanks for the awesome info! I did read the reviews at Scent Review Board, and pretty much every single one was positive, but they were mostly from soapers. There just doesn't seem to be enough of us chandlers posting reviews! Which I hope to change that. ;)

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i use pure soy & have tried alot of thecandlesources oils with great success.

they only one i've had trouble with getting a great throw from was the chocolate chip cookies. i only use 1oz.pp. i think if i upped it to 11/2oz. pp i would get a great throw from it also. some i recommend are

apple butter

brandied fruit

buttered rum

country bumpkin-this is a good one

pumpkin/vanilla-not real spicy pumpkin pie

christmas rumball


vicks vapor rub-makes a great cold/sinus candle

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From the ones you mentioned ... I've tested & like the following in my 50/50 soy blend ...

Pink Sugar

Clothes Line (although I like Sun Washed Linen better)

Pumpkin & Vanilla

(Tropical Island has too much floral in it for my liking.)

J&J Bedtime Bath is awesome, as well as Cinnamon Sandalwood, Cinnamon Toasted Almonds, Frosted Cup Cake and, Sage & Citrus.

The ones that did not work well in my wax were:

Bartlett Pear - light throw

Chocolate Chip Cookies - light throw

Oregon Pine Needle - Pine Sol to my nose

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The Candle Source seems to be having a good sale now (4 oz is $3.89)and I'm thinking of ordering the FOs I've listed below. Any experiences with them would be much appreciated. Also if you've used their room/body spray and lotion bases, I'd love to know how they worked for you. Thanks!

Black Magic

Butt Naked awesome in candles and B&B... this is the only place I buy this FO

Candy Corn


Chestnuts & Brown Sugar

Christmas Splendor

Christmas Tree

Clothes Line


Cotton Candy

Country Bumpkin



Grandma's Kitchen


Mid Summer Night

Mulled Cider

Night Blooming Jasmine

Pink Sugar Awesome! This is the STRONGEST Pink Sugar I've found

Pomegranate OMG... the best. Good in candles and B&B

Pumpkin & Vanilla


Sex On The Beach

The Great Pumpkin

Tropical Islands

I also buy from their RELIGIOUSLY... lol

Juniper Breeze.... I've bought alot of this scent elsewhere... and this one smells fresh... and clean... not too perfumey like some other places. This one is awesome

Plumeria- makes a great candle

Coconut- don't like it OOB... but in a candle.... Awww.... some.

Sugared Spruce- my favorite Christmas Scent. Smells nice!

Cherry Clove Chutney- More clove and cinnamony then cherry, but still good

Sandalwood- I'm not a sandalwood person... but this one rocks!

J & J Bedtime Bath- :drool: I adore this one. Only tried it in Body Cream and M&P... haven't CP'ed it yet.

Sunwashed Linen- I find it's the best one out there

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can not tell you guys how much I appreciate your recs from this company! I got my shipment today and I am in scent heaven right now. 'Gembertaarts' is to die for! I made a body spray (also a product I ordered) immediately. 'Christmas Splendor' reminds me of my favorite Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfume oil that I wear at Christmas and a 'Yule' FO I have from a no-longer-in-business candle company (yay! I have a replacement now!). 'Black Magic' will get renamed to 'Black Forest'. 'Country Bumpkin' reminds me of 'Amish Harvest' from Peak Candle.

That's just the first few I've checked out and I can't wait to get them in wax! Thank you!!!

There is one oddity: I ordered a bunch of 4 oz pump sprays, and the tubes attached to the pumps are way too long for the bottles. The bottom of the tube is pressed against the bottom of the bottle and curved up; it would be impossible to use the last bit of spray this way unless you take the top off and just douse yourself. Is that normal? Am I supposed to cut them down?

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Yep, you are supposed to cut them down. I believe that the lids fit a couple of size bottles, so you cut them down for the smaller bottle. That is what I do anyway.

I just wanted to also give a thumbs up for their Sunwashed Linen. It kicks in both my parasoy and 4794.

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