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electric grubby candles

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Hi, I am new to candle making. I have made a few scented soy tarts for myself. I wanted to try the electric grubby candles with the silicone light. I really like them. I have read to use a higher mp wax like parraffin. But do they sell molds and where, that you don't have to cut a hole yourself. I wanted the grubby look. And if anyone knows of a web site or book with instructions on making your own that would be great. Thanks :)

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There are actually some places that sell them, soapandcandlemolds.com for one (I think that is where I got mine).. They are silicone molds. The ones I have are made to when you unmold the candle, it is ready to go. Some people use a pillar wax with success. I have used 1343 and had luck. I have the molds but haven’t had the time to pursue it as much as I have wanted, been too busy with containers and pillars. I have tried about a 5 watt silicone coated bulb that worked out pretty well. But I am still in the experimenting stages.

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Thanks for the info, I will check out those sites. I have only worked with soy so far. And only 2 times. I have a 2 year old going on 3 that is into everything so it's hard to do anything at times. Does the pillar or the 1343 hold a good scent? I want something that really smells good. Do you also know a good place to by good scents. I have some (running low) but don't know where they came from and afraid to buy from just anywhere, I've had some bad smelling watermelon that smelled like flowers.

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As far as FO's go - it's very hard to go wrong with Peak's - there are a number of great suppliers out there but even more who aren't so great so it's understandable that you are leery on that point - Here's a link to the Fragrance discussion thread where people comment on suppliers and specific scents - http://www.candletech.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=28

Welcome to the boards!

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