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Loose Incense Question

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I have seen and read about the loose powder incense... is this easy to make? Do you scent it the same way as you do stick or cone incense? I'd like to make a powder incense to sell in tins but I'm not sure this is a possibility because I don't fully understand the whole loose incense deal. If someone could help me out I'd be greatful!



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To make loose powder incense you have to buy it in resin chunks and crush it. It is burned using charcoal tablets. You light the charcoal tablet and sprinkle the loose incense onto it. This is the real deal. It is how incense was started. It is still used today by people who buy wicken supplies. Soaking punk sticks in fo is not real incense, but it is what people know today. To sell loose incense you have to find a way to hit your target audience. That means you have to sell other wicken items. I have found that most people do not know what to do with loose incense and will ask for the sticks. Though it is very cool, it may not be very profittable. I tried selling it once, but I do not sell it now. I didn't find any interest, and did not have the capital to expand. To find places to buy it just google "incense resin", there are a ton of sites out there.

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I don't agree that real incense (resins) are just or even mostly for wicken use. There is a yahoo group that I am a member of that is devoted to resin incense and from what I have seen its just what some people use for meditation and balance. No more no less its just going back to how its been done for thousands of years.. we seem to have forgot how it use to be before walmart was on each corner. Its like saying that EO's are for wickens and FO's are for everyone else.. its really natural vs synthetic. IMO I have sold both and there is way more interest in dipped incense because of easy use and variety of scents and to tell you the truth most of the resin incense just plain suck as far as smelling good. You are burning a spice when you are using resins and most of them have an "off" smell that comes along with burning that you have to get use to before you can like them. Like the first time you drink a beer the guys always told me you would get use to the taste. My thinking was if it tastes like crap why drink it. The last beer I had was in a disco in Kansas City it was my 2nd attemp to be cool by drinking a beer.... Im not cool to this day I guess.


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Hey thanks for that Bruce, I thought I was going to have to convert ...

now is it wicken? or is it wiccan? I'm all confused from the phonetic typing.

Your right scented!

See, Im wicken... every day, jars, tapers, molds im a wicken fool, But WICCAN yeah thats the other peeps that she was talking abotu, sorry to confuse ya I just went with the spelling in the post above. :grin2:

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Well I make my own incense. I did a lot of research on it and it sells quiet well. In fact it is one of my top sellers. I use dried herbs, resins and EO. I also use a tree resin as the base so you do not have to use charcoal. It takes a lot of work, but well worth it. I do have people ask me for cones, or sticks, but once they smell my incense they usually buy it, and often come back for more. It can be done, I would just do a lot of research before you try to sell it.

By the way, I am Wiccan, but I sell my incense at the local Farmer's Market, and all sorts of people like the powdered incense.


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Hi Cindy,

Are you talking about makko? I use it for trail burning loose incense but haven't ever tried to make my own cones.

(I agree, its like night and day - "real" incense vs. dipped kind --- JMO).

Yes, I played around a bit with it and found you can mix the makko powder with the herbs and make combustible incense. It of course depends on what resins you use and EO to how much makko you need, but I found out it really is nice. The makko powder doesn't have a smell so you really get a nice herb smell for incense. On my web site I also go a step further.. Please check it out and let me know what you think. www.luminasworld.com


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You can also burn the loose incense in channeled tiles or make your own with a bowl filled with either sand or white rice ash.

The stuff I have bought... not too thrilled with. It defiantly does have a different scent to it.

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You can also burn the loose incense in channeled tiles or make your own with a bowl filled with either sand or white rice ash.

The stuff I have bought... not too thrilled with. It defiantly does have a different scent to it.

It would have to be the self combusting kind though. Most of that stuff is just like crushing up a dipped cone incense and has little to do with what most die hards call real incense.


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Maybe Rebecca means to use bamboo charcoal with those mica tiles (kodo) - both go in the rice ash. I do the charcoal when I have it, but never did the mica. Nothing like real frankincense IMO ! (Thats what got me into it in the first place).


Nice site Cindy - great idea with the incense in capsules.


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