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Any must haves from Candle & Supplies for soy?

karen lynn

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I was just looking at their large selection of fragrance oils.Can anyone recommend any great throwing spicy & harvest scents from there?I have never ordered from this company and would love to hear some reviews on their fragrances?Thanks! Karen~

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Their Amish Harvest is supposed to be good. Haven't tried that one because it was sold out. I have tried their Christmas Splender and Bayberry Apple for holiday scents and they work well in soy.

I like the way the showroom is set up so you can smell all the fragrances. Thats how I found the ones to test by sniffing. Plus they color code the bottles so you have an idea what's for spring, fall, holiday, etc.

Most of their FOs are more miss than hit for me. My experience is that they work much better in B&B and M&P than in soy candles.

But if they are close to you its worth a try to test some out. Shipping on FOs can get real expensive.

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In soy, grandma's kitchen is very good and nice and spicy.

Also great in soy (but not spicey):

Watermelon (nice and true, not candyish)

Waterfall Mist (great BBW dupe, IMO)

From their $9.99 line:

Tamarind & Apricot is great - Like a tart apricot.

OOB, the Cardemon & Cream (mildly spicey) is incredible as is the Sugar Cane. But again, OOB. Haven't tested in wax yet.

There are more, but these are standouts for me.


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