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Sweating Soap

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Yup, all that lovely glycerin is doing its job pulling moisture out of the air and drawing it to the soap. :rolleyes2

I also run a dehumidifier on my curing soaps 24/7 in the summer. It *barely* helps when you live in the Missouri countryside. We are a humidity factory here. LOL

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Boy, you should have seen the look on my face when I just logged in and came here to post a question - same one you posted, lol. Made a batch of soap last night and this is the first time that I have "swearting" soap. Humidity level is way down today so hopefully this will correct itself by tomorrow.

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Well all, my apartment is like a freakin basement. The humidity is despicable and unbearable. I decided not to put on the ac because it was pretty kewl in my room. So I was making a wedding basket and did the soaps as late as possible but it was still hot. I thought about putting a fan on them while they cool and then once they were firm enough I put them in the freezer for five minutes. I allow them to sit in front of the fan again for five more minutes and then wrap them up. It worked beautifully!!

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Try living in a tropical country :( I import my soaps from the Philippines, they're wrapped in plastic, but the girl there didn't pack them right so they got tossed around and some tore. I patched up as much as I could, but the little holes here and there that I missed practically sprouted glycerin growths. Had to rewrap a LOT of soaps.

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