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Macadamia & Honey Lotion made this week. I had a partial jar so I put it, and the Body Bliss Butter cream in my black car that sat out in sweltering heat and sun for two days. The butter kept its body and slightly softened.

The lotion softened back to a total liquid state. When I took it out of the car I could swirl it around just like coffee creamer! But...after one hour in the house at about 73 degrees F it cooled back into its cream state. I stuck my finger in it to check it out! Here's a picture:


No separation! Very cool thing. This recipe is a keeper. :yay:

Once my testers are done with it, and I have it tested professionally, I'll be making this one to sell (if all goes well.) Been slathering it on since I made it and I like it very much!

Here's my label for it:


Thanks for looking! :smiley2:

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Thanks for your kind remarks!

As for testing, my goal next week is to burn up the phone lines trying to find a local lab that can do this for me. I'd really like to get the lotion tested locally if possible. I live close to a large town with a big drug company and university too. There should be something available. I will update if I meet with success!

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Thanks! :)

Are all of the pics from your own garden?

So far they are, but I don't have a large selection of blossoms since my garden is quite small! :embarasse I will need to expand my plantings next year.

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