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A free fair....


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Hi all, time ago I signed up to a "hobbyst" site, yesterday I got an email from a lady who invited me to a fair.

The fair will be on 9/9, it will be a part of a fest called "Music fest" that lasts 4 days. On sunday the hobbysts fair will take place.

I don't have to pay any booth fee, the place is quite near and it'll begin around 1 PM and go on until night, with fireworks and so on.

The lady told me the spaces for each hobbyst are reall big, and I know I'm the only candlemaker.

I'm really tempted to jump in, the problem is that I'm working hard for several weddings, so i don't know if I can stock up a bit.

I don't have an idea of what I should bring and how much, since they don't give me the size of the booth. I just sent another email to ask if I should bring something myself, such lights or other items (tables for example).

This would be the first time for me.

I still don't know if it's just an exhibition or if we can sell.

Arrrghhhhh what should I do??????

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You need more information. Exhibition or selling your crafts, how big is booth space, how many other crafters will be there, when can you set up, do you pay a percentage of your earnings. Just a few you need to know. If you are busy can you get someone to do the show for you? It might be good exposure for you company but if you are way too busy and you can't get properly prepared for it you may want to skip it-- or just check it out to see if its doable next year.

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Candybee, thanks for the insight.

Yes I still need to know more, I'm waiting for her answer to the last email I sent.

I know I won't have to pay anything, but as you said I have to be sure I can make it....

i will wait to know a bit more!

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Well, if it's free, and you've got the time, I'd go. Even if you only had one table with minimal stock. It's a chance to get more people to know that you exist - if you didn't have a lot of stock, it would be like a 'sneak peek' at your offerings.

Even if the other booths are huge and well stocked, you can still do a nice, small display that can compete in looks with the larger, better stocked spaces.

When I was starting out one of my best fairs was free with low attendance. I didn't even have much stock, but everyone was interested.

Course, I'd only do it if the weather was beautiful - no rain, right temperature :) (Spoken by someone who's absolutely miserable now with 105F temps)

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Thanks Robin,

it will be in a closed space from what I can understand.

Usually september here it's a lovely month, not too much eat but beautiful days.

Thanks for suggestion, I'll try to pour some pillar while the wax is melting for the orders I'm filling. I can go simple and use my round molds, having some always ready.

Who knows....

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If it's free I'd go. Take what you have on hand. If you are making things for other accounts now, make some extras to take with you in Sept. At least you will be getting your face, name and products out there to more people. Be sure to have contact info with you to give out. Come on girl, get excited about this! :rockon:

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If it's free I'd go. Take what you have on hand. If you are making things for other accounts now, make some extras to take with you in Sept. At least you will be getting your face, name and products out there to more people. Be sure to have contact info with you to give out. Come on girl, get excited about this! :rockon:

:grin2: I'm excited but you can't see it because I'm soo tired..

I'd really need relax instead of a fair, but I'll try to do a bit of stock!

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