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OMG, Check out these pics!!

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These are my competitors candles. I had been worried that mine were not as good as heres, lol.


Check out the mushrooming on that!!!



Notice the bland labeling and burned jar.


This looks like mistakes a begginer would make, not someone who has been doing this for atleast five years now. And to think, I loved her candles before I began making my own.

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I often wonder how other peoples candles burn compared to mine :embarasse I've bought commercially made ones and am left feeling extatic at how mine burn afterwards *LOL*

There is a mushroom fest going on there :grin2: I know sometimes they are just something that you put up with and if you get them you trim and relight the wick, but I don't like them and since I've started getting the hang of wicking, I don't get them much :yay:

Are you more confident in your work now? :grin2:


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My guess is these are soy w/ zinc wicks? Zinc is famous for mushrooms like that, but it's still my preference & works fine if trimmed according to directions. The soot does baffle me though, especially in the 2nd container. Perhaps I'm wrong & this is a wick I've never tried, cause I get little to no soot, even when doing serious marathon burns for testing. And the labels are just sad. I'm a very picky consumer & think marketing is a reflection of quality. I know this isn't necessarily true, but just my perception. I can't tell you how many crappy things I've bought cause the company has beautiful labels!!


edited to add: the 1st one looks like soy & the 2nd one looks like paraffin?

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Certain wicks seem to be more prone to mushrooming. Of course extended burns or drafts can contribute to that. Sometimes I decided to stick with a wick that might produce some mushrooming simply because it gave me the better scent throw in testing. I've also tested candles that didn't produce soot until it burned to the mid portion of the container. The container created a draft that caused excessive movement of the flame, lots of bouncing so I had soot. I have tested some FO's that produced soot no matter what % or wick type I tested. When that happens I don't use that FO for anything I would sell. I have used zinc and didn't have the problems shown in the photos, a little muschrooming but not bad. As for the labels, yes they do look bland but some people aren't concerned about that. We have a lady here that has her candles every where. You can't go to an event or local owned store without seeing them. Her labels are return address labels with no graphics and people buy her Mason jars by the cases!!! I am glad that your candles burn better but I hope she doesn't discover this board. If she should ever have a problem with one of your candles she just might post it as well. :undecided

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I agree w/ Hippie on all points! After 6 yrs I have a wax/wick combo that I love & will only work w/ containers & fo's that suit my needs. I refuse to use any tall, narrow jars, cause the lack of air flow just will not work for me. I stick w/ jars that are short, fat & have a wide enough top to accommodate proper air-flow to the wick. My only other thought on the soot was a draft when burning or blowing out a flame that had a large mushroom to cause smoldering & put off a lot of soot. There are pieces of fallen mushroom on the outside of the dried wax. I'd guess either the wick mushroomed & fell off during a marathon burn or pieces of the wick flew off when the candle was blown out. Either way, the burn suggests the wick should have been trimmed. I can live w/ the mushroom, but the soot would really bother me ... if it was burned properly.


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I have a couple of fo's that when I wick them to burn properly I get some soot on the glass...I'm still testing wicks in these, but I'm just about at the end and still soot. One in particular, everyone loves the fo, so they put up with the mess. I do tell people ahead of time that the candle will produce soot and the wick will mushroom (if you don't keep it trimmed.)

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These were burned properly. I was determined to find out just how good her candles were. The smaller one was burned twice. The top was burned about three or four times. Each time was less than four hours. I always trimmed the wick. I followed her burning instructions exactly. As for the wax, I have no idea. She swears to everyone that its not parrafin, not soy, not beeswax, not palm wax, and not a blend.

I am definitely more confident in my work now. My wicks rarely mushroom and if they do, its a tiny little mushroom. I have never had one mushroom on me during a test burn. One of the store that I have a display in has one that they burned that did mushroom a little but when I look into that further, The airvent was blowing directly on it. I am supprised it even stayed lit with the force of that AC blowing on it.. They absolutley do NOT smoke or soot.

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All candles smoke and produce soot - can't have combustion or burn hydrocarbons without it! The issue is whether the candles smoke or soot excessively, particularly under ideal burning conditions (no drafts, etc.). Deep containers are notorious for sooting, so they are a good choice to see if one really, really has their candle ingredients and wick "dialed in." ;) I never much get a chance to test burn another person's candles 'cause I stay so busy testing my own!:rolleyes2

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I agree with the label! it is Ugly!!!!!!!! (sorry :lipsrseal ) but since I am back in business in making my own candles again I just couldn't put those sticky labels on my jars!!! So I made those tags that are folded and printed them with my info! Front and back!!!!!!!!!!!! the inside you can put To and from for a gift! I used the gold stretchy cord and punched a hole.... run it thru and put it around the neck of my jars! I believe in "Simple but Elegant" even in country and prim style :laugh2: I need to take pics! I will post one in the gallery! If you guys want to see it!

and I use the coreless wicks and no shrooming and very little soot or none at all!

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I know I am new to all of this candle stuff, and am basically just doing trial and error containers from what I learn on this board. However, the one thing that really attracted me to this website was the fact that everyone was always really supportive, no matter how silly the question may have been. I am really disappointed that some people on here feel the need to bash other people's product. You know not everyone started out making the perfect candle. It's very disturbing to me that some people would stoop to this level. My 2 girls do a very competitive sport, nationally ranked, and I always teach them to never cut down another person's hard work. I wish some people had the maturity my young girls do. I APPLAUD those of you that realize that there are so many different factors that can affect the burn of the candle and didn't participate in this inmature behavior.

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I know I am new to all of this candle stuff, and am basically just doing trial and error containers from what I learn on this board. However, the one thing that really attracted me to this website was the fact that everyone was always really supportive, no matter how silly the question may have been. I am really disappointed that some people on here feel the need to bash other people's product. You know not everyone started out making the perfect candle. It's very disturbing to me that some people would stoop to this level. My 2 girls do a very competitive sport, nationally ranked, and I always teach them to never cut down another person's hard work. I wish some people had the maturity my young girls do. I APPLAUD those of you that realize that there are so many different factors that can affect the burn of the candle and didn't participate in this inmature behavior.

Well said. I completely agree. What goes around will come around.

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Thanks Southergirl! I was really hesitant about speaking my mind because I do check the boards all the time for help/advice and I don't want to offend anyone. I feel really I guess betrayed and hurt that someone would post all the condemnations. It definitaly makes me think twice about posting questions. How do I know someone won't sit there and criticize me?

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ITA, which is why I mostly lurk. I'm new to candle making also, and I have soo many questions, but I dont want to be attacked because of my questions or lack of knowledge. :embarasse What I cant find when searching the board, I've learned to ask on other forums.

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You don't, and I think everyone has been criticized at some point, but you have to put your questions out there, because almost every time, the helpful people come along and give you a little light along your way.

ETA: There are a few AMAZING people out here, and you have to wade through the muck to get to the waterfall.

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Thanks Southergirl! I was really hesitant about speaking my mind because I do check the boards all the time for help/advice and I don't want to offend anyone. I feel really I guess betrayed and hurt that someone would post all the condemnations. It definitaly makes me think twice about posting questions. How do I know someone won't sit there and criticize me?

You will be fine.....not everyone attacks.

I wish I had time to burn someone elses candle too, but toooo busy working on my own products.....but I agree with others there are so many different factors into reducing soot (cause it is there).

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I know I am new to all of this candle stuff, and am basically just doing trial and error containers from what I learn on this board. However, the one thing that really attracted me to this website was the fact that everyone was always really supportive, no matter how silly the question may have been. I am really disappointed that some people on here feel the need to bash other people's product. You know not everyone started out making the perfect candle. It's very disturbing to me that some people would stoop to this level. My 2 girls do a very competitive sport, nationally ranked, and I always teach them to never cut down another person's hard work. I wish some people had the maturity my young girls do. I APPLAUD those of you that realize that there are so many different factors that can affect the burn of the candle and didn't participate in this inmature behavior.

You are completely right. I just got overjoyed in the fact that I had gotten my candles better than my only competitor. I should not have posted them and I appologize. No one is going to think any question is stupid. All of us here have asked or pondered the same question before more than likely. I do not usually "attack". I just got excited and overjoyed.

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It definitaly makes me think twice about posting questions. How do I know someone won't sit there and criticize me?

I have felt the same at times. But now I just dont care these kind of posts just makes me want to be the best and work harder to perfect :)

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I have felt the same at times. But now I just dont care these kind of posts just makes me want to be the best and work harder to perfect :)

Candlegirl I agree with ya! tht is why I wanted my labels to be different and not like anyone elses! also my candles too!

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