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What can I add?


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I have a premade hand/body lotion that I really like the only thing I don't like about it is....after you put it on, it is a little sticky for a little bit, then it dries it. Is there something I can add to get rid of that stickiness? Or cut it down some? It isn't sticky for long....but is very very sticky....

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You'd have to contact your supplier to see what ingredients are allowed to be added. The only trouble with adding anything other than EOs is that it upsets the stability of the emulsion and you'll also have Preservative issues.


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If it's for personal use, you could probably isolate a small batch at a time in another container, add something (cornstarch? IPM? One of the lotion experts may have to help you here, I know those work for greasiness... you could always experiment yourself though!) to help, and not have to worry about compromising the preservation for the whole batch.

If you're intending to sell it though, then like Sarah said, better to contact the supplier and ask.

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With my bases, I can easily add 2 - 3% additives without compromising the integrity of the base or preservative. Your supplier can tell you how much you can add. I have seen some bases go as high as 10% which scares me lol Concentrated bases can go as high as 50% of additives which of course includes water.

I have added IPM to a few of mine when I have that greasy feeling and it works great. I have even added cyclo to help the "glide" so it won't be sticky and it helps alot while leaving a soft powerdy feel.

I would suggest playing with a couple additives for your personal use to see how they affect the lotion. That is what I did and it was the only way for me to learn.

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