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Interesting.....Supplier Rant.


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I placed a huge huge order with a supplier last week. Consisted of 6 cases lotion and then another box that had some heavy duty pumps I ordered also. Ordered 6 cases (24 gallons) to meet the 200# ups shipping rate cut. Spent over $500. Got the order this week and not one single FO sample...nada...nothing.

Placed another order for a couple books, and some micas and oxides from a different supplier and got that yesterday. Got my order PLUS a $10 coupon good on my next order of $60 AND a 1oz FO sample.

What is it with suppliers? A $500 order and nothing? I end up buying a lot of my FO's from samples they send me.

Also filled out a supplier questioneer at Christmas time.....told them I thought they should give a 1 oz sample with orders (or at least with orders that were $50+). It could increase their business & sales. Got a reply telling me OMG if they gave out 1 oz samples they would go broke and out of business!! Yada Yada....bullcrap.

Just irks me and I needed to rant a bit!!

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It wouldn't hurt them to include a sample and increase their business like you say, but if it bothers you then take your business elsewhere. Does it say anywhere on their website that they will include samples on certain size orders? If so, I would definately call and let them know they forgot it.

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Yeah, I can see where giving away something that costs probably $.75 or less with a $500 order would break them up.:rolleyes2 I like samples, too. I've ordered quite a few oils after sniffing that I would never have gotten based on name/description alone.

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It wouldn't hurt them to include a sample and increase their business like you say, but if it bothers you then take your business elsewhere. Does it say anywhere on their website that they will include samples on certain size orders? If so, I would definately call and let them know they forgot it.

Oh I plan on taking it elsewhere.....I have until this lotion is gone to come up with something very close so all my customers and WS Accounts won't come unglued. They love this lotion BUT they also love another one I had Lindsay do for me. They are 2 different lotions but I can't wean them off this one yet....the other one is pretty new and they are liking it but until they make the switch I will carry this one also. I carry both kinds...this one for some and the other for the rest.

My point was they obviously don't care if they keep a customer that buys in quantity like that or not. Or for that matter...ANY customer. Personally I don't think they are THAT huge of a business. To me it would just be common sense as a supplier. My rant was mainly...do some of these suppliers not realize how easy it is to keep their customers? And how easy it is to sell more FO...send a sample.

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I agree with you Kymber, and have thought the same thing about them myself. I don't buy nearly as much from them as I used to. I even gave a plug for them in a lotion base review published in the Saponifier, and never even got a "thanks". That kinda stunk to me.

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I have a supplier I spend hundreds of dollars with every month with. I just received an order today as a matter of fact. Man! I shook that box and shook that box and all there was was popcorn. Kind of ticks me off. I might consider buying some of their fragrances or something else, if they'd just send a sample once in a while. Oh well, their loss.

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