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Newbie with a few questions

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Hi there, I am fairly new and I am beginning to make soy container candles. I was wondering, for those of you who do soy containers, do you use dye chips or liquid dye? I have used liquid but then switched to CandleScience's dye chips for soy because they were cheaper, although I am having a hard time controlling the darkness of the color. Is it just a trial by error process? Also, what is the common percentage of fragrance? I thought I heard it was 6% but am not sure. I saw on a few candle supply sites that they sell a UV protection additive. Is this necessary? I just didn't know if without it the color would fade.



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Hello! And Welcome...

I've used both liquid and chips. Right now, I'm using the CS dye chips. There are downsides, like figuring out how to not get the speckles, but I've worked through most of them. If your goal is consistency, I'd probably go with the liquid because it's easier to measure a drop or drops.

As far as FO load, that depends on the wax you are using. If you'll tell us, I'm sure there is someone here who uses the same wax who could help you.

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I am fairly new to this as well, but will not use the chips any more. I started with those as well thinking they were easier/cheaper but found out otherwise shortly after. Some of my candles had the speckles. I think the dye is cheaper in the long run because it lasts a lot longer. You use drops, some of my 5 oz containers I have used 1 drop and it is too dark.

I use EcoSoya Advanced and the recomended fragrance load is 10%. I will probably just start with this on my tests.

Not sure about the UV stuff...

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Liquid is definitely more consistent and really isn't that much more expensive considering you only use drops. I found with the chips, it helps to melt them in the bottom of my pour container before I put my wax in. They seem to incorporate better and much less of the spottiness.

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Hi, Thanks everybody for the advice. I am using Ecosoya CB-135 Advannced, so I think 10% fragrance load will work for me. I think I will go back to liquid dye since it is easier to control. I appreciate others perspectives though, that's really helpful. Thanks!

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