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:sad2: My first ricing happened tonight and I'm so dissappointed. Of course it happened with pine tar. It just had to rice on top of breathing the most horrible smell ugh! I knew with pine tar you had to work fast, but geez I didn't even have time to mix it all in. It got so thick quickly once I got it in the mold. Some bits of pine tar I couldn't get mixed in all the way so do I trash this batch? I know I shouldn't have let it traced so thick, but I was trying to get my butter & wax to melt. My oils were room temp and my lye mixture was hot.
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I mix my pine tar right in with the oils and make sure it's blended good before I add my lye mix which is ALWAYS under 100 degrees. I have to work fast with my whisk, but I always have enough time to get it in the mold.

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Wish I would of known that, I thought I had read up on everything about making pine tar soap, I guess not. I know for sure I won't ever work with pine tar again, because it bothered my allergies way too much and it still is. I'll only buy it for now on. I just love the stuff it helps my skin and scalp so much. Here's some pics of it after I took it out of the mold, first pic is the top of the soap, 2nd is the bottom. It's so fugly lol.




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