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What Is Your Favorite Soy Wax?

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Hi Everyone!

I was just wondering if you would tell me what your favorite soy wax is? I've tried a few and the waxes that look nice don't seem to put off a good scent throw, and the waxes with good scent throw don't look that great. Has anyone out there discovered the perfect soy candle wax?:confused:

Thanks For Your Help!

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This question is asked quite a bit. If you do a search, you'll find many threads out there for this topic.

As for me, its a custom blend. I dont believe there is such a thing a the perfect candle. If there was, we wouldn't continue to test and try new things to improve our craft.

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I use 2 different waxes. I use NG 100% soy wax. It is the ugliest looking candle in the world after it is burnt but my customers don't care. And I have learned to just live with it. As long as I have a great smelling candle than ohwell.

And I made up my own blend just for fun but I love how it throws. So it's a keeper.

Mindy :)

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Unfortunately I don't have much hold on this topic as I only have one type of soy wax, the GB415. I can't afford to check out any new waxes just yet. I LOVE the tarts I get out of the 415, and some candles are great for scent throw, but others are not. I am sure it is the FOs though since some just don't want to work well with Soy while others are great. All part of that friggin testing process. The only thing I can't stand is the occassional frosting I get on my candles

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As far as a blend goes I also like GreenLeafs 70/30. But, if I need soy without paraffin, then I am really liking EL Millenium. I have tried EcoSoya Advanced (beautiful candle - little throw) C-3 (couldnt get a non-weeping candle during OK's hot summers) 415 - (Great throw - hate pouring slushy and frost) 464 (Nice look and throw was great, until about half way through ?) So far with the Millenium I can pour hotter, get no frost, smooth tops, and scent throw seems great throughout. Like everyone else says, see whats close to you as far as shipping goes. It doesnt matter how great the wax is if you cant get it near by. The shipping cost can really raise up your cost to produce.

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