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Temperature to add Fragrance-Low or High?

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I am a little confused as to when to add fragrance. From the books or guides I've read, it says not to add the fragrance at a high temp but at the lowest temp possible to eliminate evaporation. I have been adding mine at 125 degrees. But I've noticed some answers are to add at higher temp cause it takes to the wax better. Is this just a personal preference as to when to add the Fragrance? AND I am also checking the flashpoint of the fragrance to be sure I am not adding it to the wax above that FP temp to be safe. Right thing to do..right?

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I am a little confused as to when to add fragrance. From the books or guides I've read, it says not to add the fragrance at a high temp but at the lowest temp possible to eliminate evaporation. I have been adding mine at 125 degrees. But I've noticed some answers are to add at higher temp cause it takes to the wax better. Is this just a personal preference as to when to add the Fragrance? AND I am also checking the flashpoint of the fragrance to be sure I am not adding it to the wax above that FP temp to be safe. Right thing to do..right?

If there's no open flame you don't have to worry about the flash point. It won't spontaneously combust on you. Please please please someone correct me if I'm wrong on this.

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Flash point has nothing to do with adding the FO to wax. It only comes into play if you are using it in an oil burner, etc. where it could come into contact with direct heat of some sort. If you add your FO at a low temp, you run the risk of it not completely binding with the wax and you may not get a good throw. I always add my FO's at around 180! :cool2:

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Guest Amorelei

Evaporation doesn't come into play at all. When the wax is removed from the presto pot (or double boiler, whatever), it is rapidly cooling. Adding FO (which is at room temperature) cools the wax even further. As others have already said, FO doesn't bind well with the wax unless it's added at a bit higher temp. JMO

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Wow - Thanks for everyone's response :shocked2: Boy did I have it all wrong! Looks like fragrance testing is back to the drawing board. Have already done 3 Suppliers - was just waiting for them to cure but now won't be a true test. Have 5 Suppliers I am testing for Creme Brulee. Will be curious to see how the last two come out since you all schooled me and will add at higher temp. The perils of a newby - good lessons learned.

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Munch -

Don't count out the ones you have poured by adding FO at a lower temp. It will be a great comparison for you to compare the throw so you will know what works for you.

I have one supplier that swears by adding the FO at a lower temp but frankly, my candles sucked when I did that. I asked for advice from others and they said up that temp you are adding the FO at and it made a world of difference for me. Maybe the lower temp works for their particular wax but it didn't work for the other types I worked with.

Hang in there, its ALWAYS a learning experience!

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Thanks Jami - I definately need a dose of encouragement right now. I'm using Ecosoya CB Pure. Decided to burn the first batch from Candlescience tonight since I'll have to re-test anyway. 4 days cure time and scent is throwing good but not great - like the smell though. I will be curious to see how much stronger it may be when I test the right way ;) ECO12 wick was out of control smoking like a chimney and mushroomed but made full burn pool so will try ECO10. Shoots another one of my theories about wick testing as ECO12 was my best performer in tests without fragrance. Go figure! CSN wicks have perfect wick stance little to no smoke and seem like a great wick but can't see to get them to create a FB pool. CSN14 in this one and flame getting weaker an hour into test. :( Using 8 0z metro jar w/2.5 diameter. I will be SO happy when I actually get ONE candle to test right :grin2: Thanks-Munch

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