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Wasn't there a site where you could imput the oils you have on hand to help you....


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make a recipe?I want to finally take the plunge and make some CP soap- :eek: So, I have some ingredients here, but I could have sworn there was a site or something where you could imput the ingredients you had on hand, and it would give you a recipe with percentages and such??I know there is the soap calc. but don't you have to KNOW what percentages you're using already?When I look at that thing, I get all cross-eyed and confooozed!! I only have a few different oils and such, so not sure what to use and how much to use. Will the calc. tell me?I guess I should have been paying more attention to all of your "talk" around here huh? ;)

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I don't think either of those are what she's looking for. Those and all the others I know of, you have to have a recipe to begin with, and enter amounts in either quantity or percentages and the calc converts it to the other. Honestly, I don't think I've ever heard of one that will give you a recipe just from ingredients. If anyone knows of one, it would be interesting to see :)

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