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how do istop this happening???

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I made some really lovely pastel coloured pillars in lilac and pink but they have started to fade it doesnt seem a problem when i use darker colours, i use parrafin and stearin and dye blocks the candles havent been in total sunlight just in a very light room!! Is there a use by date on any of these products or could i add something to stop this happening???

Any advise or suggestions would be great ! TIA:(

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Normally, darker blue and purple colors are more susceptable to fading than are the lighter colors, but all candles will fade in time. UV protection will definately help in most cases. I put it in all my candles, regardless of color. It's expensive to buy, costing around $28.00 a pound as I recall, but you use so little it lasts forever.

I got mine from NG, but almost all candle supply sources will have it.


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I agree. It sounds like you need a UV stabalizer (sometimes called "UV inhibitor"). You can find it in either a 2-part formula where you have to mix UVA and UVB or, more commonly, you'll find it pre-mixed. I don't know if there is much quality difference between the various suppliers but I use the one from Peak. It's half the price than the one from BCN and seems to work just fine.

Of course, a candle is still going to fade if it's in direct sunlight whether it has stabalizer in it or not but this will reduce the fading and should hopefully stop it if it's not in direct sunlight.

BTW, almost every light source produces some UV light waves - it's not just the sun that will fade the colors of a candle. The fading can easily be caused just by the light bulbs in a room depending on the output of the bulbs.

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If any of those pastels are actually pigments, I've noticed those are incredibly prone to fading as well. BCN has UV Color Stabilizer for $7.95/2oz., Lone Star also has it, but it's the only additive they carry and I can't seem to find it right now to tell you the price.

This is actually the first time that I've used it, I've never had a color fade on me but I don't want to take any chances.

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