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OK! I admit I need a lesson about all these paraffin wax "types"...

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I read the threads here and many I just run past... the reason? I don't understand all this talk about different waxes.

Let me explain.

I buy my wax based on two things: Price and Fully Refined Melt Point.

For example, for pillars I like a nice 140 For containers, 121... from there I add what is needed, petrolatum, vybar, etc... Lower melt points cost less than higher melt points...

When I see all these "names" and things with letters I get mind boggled... I have no idea what all this LX and 46-some-thing-or-other... I know IGI is a wax company that likes to charge insane prices to the candle trade... but aside from that, I don't know anything about them - nor care to.

Is there a post, link, or something that can explain all of this?



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To start off with... LX are wicks not wax ;)

As for all the blends and numbers, they vary on melt point and additives mostly. There seem to be more container waxes out there than pillar, but since I don't do much with containers, it may just seem that way to me.

Container- what I do know, is some are supposed to be "one-pour" (less to no shrinkage) and some aren't. They range from feeling almost as hard as pillar wax to thick gooey vaseline consistency. Of course, the burn different, use different wick and throw scent differently.

Pillar waxes are mostly blended for the outcome. A couple for plain smooth candle, some for mottling, some with no additives at all so you can decide how you want it to end up.

Basically it comes down to ease mostly. You could probably choose a straight paraffin by melt point and just use additives. Well, I guess that's what you do. But often it easier to just buy a blend that gives you what you want in the end. Especially for less experienced to beginners, because all the different additives and exactly what they do seems more confusing than just choosing the right blend.

As for a website that explains all the different waxes and things, nope, never seen one. That's why so many people come here asking about it. If you do find one, Please post it! It would be very handy!

This is just how I see it... I'm sure I got some things wrong, since I rambled so much, but I'm also sure someone will correct me...lol

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move to the UK, its easier here, just paraffin or soy ;)

sorry, being sarcastic when I shouldn't.

It's the additives and wicks that lose me lol. Thats why I stick to LX and eco wicks, people seem to know what those are and I can talk about them lol

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I also was going to suggest candlesand supplies. At one time you could get a catalog frm them and it really explained everything - from wax to additives. You might want to try genwax and candlewic also.

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