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These are not Candles, but wax so

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I figured this was the best place to put these?? Except for the first picture which is made with Paper Mache', the rest are wax related.

I don't recall posting any of my stuff before now....but I just had to share the end of the year Teacher Gifts that were made by my grandson 7, daughter 13 and me (much older..lol). We had fun making these and I've embraced Dipped Toilet Paper!! rolling.gifyahoo.gifHere are pictures of our gifts.

Teacher Apple Pencil Holder For Grandson's Teacher 1st Grade


Decorated Dipped Toilet Paper Mostly for DD's teachers

On some of these (especially the brown one, my dd made this one first, but then her creative juices started flowing, and I think hers look like she has been doing these for some time!









Two of her male teachers got candles. They were just plain candles in jelly jars, and didn't think they were show worthy.

School is officially out as of today, and the Teachers loved them!! I am actually getting orders for these now.

Thanks for looking!

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Those are gorgeous. Love the pencil holder :) If you don't mind my asking how did you attach the flowers around the side? I made some dipped TP before and put different types of stickers on them but had a hard time finding something to make them stick quick enough.

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Thanks!! I tried dipping bears long ago, but I couldn't sell those for squat!! But these really peaked interest with the women. All of these were scented with Baby Powder.

I had done some up for Mother's Day for my mom, dd and dil. They loved them so much, I thought why not for teachers??

These don't take much wax, and don't take much time to set, and you can do so much with your imagination! DD had fun and now I found a way to keep her busy and to make a little cash for our summer vacation!! :yay:

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We waited till the TP was set then used Hot Glue guns. They worked perfect! We cut the back of the flowers and leaves as close to the backs as possible, then applied hot glue and attached to the tp. Just be careful, the glue has a way of finding your fingertips!! OUCH!! :laugh2: HTH

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What a cute idea. Great way to freshen up the B-room!!!

I am sure the teachers will love the TP rolls and pencil holder!! :cheesy2:

When a gift is made by a child/student, it is always extra special!! :smiley2:

I think those are very cute and unique, but I wouldn't want to tell anyone what they are made of. Especially if someone ran out of tp and tried to use a waxed one.

If anyone is stupid enough to break the wax TP roll apart to wipe their butt, then they deserve to have their butt cheeks stick together!!!eck05.gif LOL

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If anyone is stupid enough to break the wax TP roll apart to wipe their butt, then they deserve to have their butt cheeks stick together!!!eck05.gif LOL

LMAO!! You got that right!! It is soaked with wax thru and thru!! I don't think you'll find a dry patch in there. But it's a smell good decoration. And they were a hit with the Teachers! :yay: I finally found a way to use up some of my 1oz samples!! LOL And I don't have to test!! :P

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