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Does 50/50 need more fo than 70/30?

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I was asking last week about the difference in these two waxes. A little bit frustrated with the lack of hot throw in the 50/50 I'm testing compared to the GL 70/30 I've tested with my tried and true fo's. The 50/50 is so much easier to wick (as far as good melt pools go), but after a week or more cure I'm not gettin' much.

As Top pointed out these manufacturer container blends have additives other than just soy and paraffin. but just wondering as a general rule does the 50/50 tend to require more fo per lb than a 70/30 blend?

And if you use a pre-blended 50/50 which brand is your favorite?

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In addition to playing with my own blends, I have to give a thumbs up to the KY Parasoy Container wax. My research of this wax shows it is consistent with a 50/50 wax. I would think that 70/30 would need more cure time than 50/50. The Perfect Blend from KY is closer to a 70/30 blend. They won't release the info as to the % of paraffin and soy but the "pros" have been able to compare it and tell their experiences. The PB has a 1 - 1 1/2 oz per lb max load and the Parasoy has the same max. I have tested the parasoy after a 48 hour cure time with a good throw but a much stronger throw after 3 or 4 days. That is just the nature of the soy in the blends.

I have tried several paraffin container waxes to blend with either my GB 415 or my GB 444 soy waxes. I actually like the IGI 4627 mixed with my soy. Its like working with a thick sticky vaseline but the adhesion and burn with my soy is awesome.

If a FO will throw in soy, it SHOULD easily throw in paraffin. I am trying to decide on my % of blend to use because I have had problems with FO's throwing in soy. I'm not sure why your 50/50 isn't throwing. Which wax is it? That might help narrow it down some.

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I was asking last week about the difference in these two waxes. A little bit frustrated with the lack of hot throw in the 50/50 I'm testing compared to the GL 70/30 I've tested with my tried and true fo's. The 50/50 is so much easier to wick (as far as good melt pools go), but after a week or more cure I'm not gettin' much.

As Top pointed out these manufacturer container blends have additives other than just soy and paraffin. but just wondering as a general rule does the 50/50 tend to require more fo per lb than a 70/30 blend?

And if you use a pre-blended 50/50 which brand is your favorite?


I have found (it appears anyway) that I have the most luck with either pure soy or a paraffin blend (no soy added). However, GL's 70/30 has had a great scent throw, so it has been the exception. So far, GL has had the best throw for me for a soy/paraffin blend. I had some luck with Taylor's 50/50. It has a pretty good throw. I did not test it as extensively though. I use it from time to time with my single wicked limited addition jars. When I first started I tried Calwax's CB-30 paraffin/soy (has just a little bit of soy) and it has a decent scent throw. It's formula has change though. It is much harder now (which I am not too fond of), but it still throws well. I have been trying it out for my clamshells and my wickless candles (may use this instead of the GL in my wickless to save on shipping). There may be several other soy/paraffin blends out there now that I have not even tested.

I agree, GL 70/30 is a dickens to wick. It is taking me FOREVER to finalize some scents in it. There never seems to be that perfect wax. :tongue2:

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P.S. Forgot to add that I don't think a 50/50 should require more FO than a 70/30 (soy/paraffin). If anything, it would be the other way around and most likely would require (depending on the oil and wax) the same amount.

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Thanks Jami and Holly. I hesitate to say the source of the 50/50 until I talk with them tomorrow to get some advice...they have always had great customer service and are so helpful when I call. For all I know, I'm doing something wrong when I make them although I have followed the instructions on their site. Maybe I just tested them too soon and sucked out all of the fragrance...LOL!

I was really hoping to have good luck with this wax because as I said, it was much easier to wick in the jar I'm hoping to add to my line.

I would assume the same as you both stated that I shouldn't need more fo with the higher % of paraffin in the blend. From everything I've read it should throw stronger. Ah well, I'm not giving up...just keep testin' away!

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Hi again,

You know, sometimes (but not always) what can happen is, one can get several FO's that throw great in a wax that they are fucussing on -- one that they think they want to stick with. So, they end up adding those FO's to their line. They then get the itch to try another kind of wax to see if it is better in certain ways than what they are using. They receive the new wax to test and try out the FO's that worked in their original wax and they find the scent throw is not as good. I really think that it could be that the oils may not be right ones for the new wax you are trying. Now, if you are trying several of the tried and true scents and none of them are throwing well, then it could very well be a duddy wax. Another reason why I say this is, many times people on here will rave about an oil, but others will get the opposite result. This has happened to me sometimes too. I know that it must be the combination because I get many awesome throws with many oils in both the soy I use and the GL-70/30.

If you really like the way the 50/50 works for wicking in your jars better than the 70/30, you may want to try several other oils to see if you can find the right ones, before deciding against the wax. However, when you love certain oils you have already decided on, it is very hard to give them up. I have trouble with this anyway.

Sorry this is so long. Boy, I was rambling a bit. I was having trouble getting my thoughts down. :) Good luck.

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Thanks Holly, very good points all. I'll just keep plugging away with this wax, but think I may also order in a sample of the wax that Jami mentioned. The only reason I would hesitate is because that supplier is further away and I may just end up with a wax I love but the shipping puts it out of range. I think all the delivery company's should convert their trucks to 'smart trucks' like the cars!

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